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Lets get pissed again like we did last Summer
Why is there something on.
Let ‘snot
Happy 4st of July!
Not after the Dragon Rises. The no one will party.
Must be the American Freedom Party, by the look of all those white faces.
EDIT: The = then
Party like it’s 1776!
Party plan: drink lots of booze.
There once was a girl who had “American Pants.
One yank and they were down.
When the USS Tarawa visited Hobart (Tasmania) in 2008, the Sydney working girls decamped en masse to Tassie.. Apparently one could no purchase a naughty in Sydney, for neither love nor money.
ot to mention a few of the “boys” too.
@DNT 0413. Ignore those young ladies. They are Obama Groupies.
One nation under white girls.
@Droll: Party like it’s 1776? Let’s Tea Party, and fondle the ladies’ tea cups.
@EffEff 0525.
I would gladly let them fondle my Bag. (tea)
@jjhitt 0459.. One Nation? Well, Pauline Hansen is white.
She is also roundly disliked by aborigine people.
And on July 5th – Let’s Hangover!!
Let’s Trumpet!
Let’s Untie the States, then go to Wc Donald’s!
See you in Paris, Hilton
Don’t we Japanese?
Remember this is what Japanese think America is supposed to look like in their own Japanese brains….and is not actual reality.
The Japanese all think America is just LA, NYC, and anything Disney.
Trust me in this one.
It’s like saying Oz is ONLY Uluru and certain parts of Sydney is Australia.
(And it wouldn’t surprise me if you asked the average Japanese what mainly represents Australia, and they only mentioned those specific things but nothing else. Wouldn’t surprise me one whit.)
With all the fun you can have in a box.
Let’s Do It.
– Yam Aha
– Mommy, why are there so many Japanese people on the photo?
we‘D already Canadian partied!
@Pete 0847; Kata Tjuta (The Olgas) about 30miles away a very impressive too. IMHO Better. Just not as well known. Have a look.
@Pete. http://austhrutime.com/olgas_kata_tjuta.htm
That site gives technical details about Kata Tjuta. What I find amazing is the E. Camaldulensis (River Red Gum/s) growing there.
But then. I was a member of our local SGAP. (Society for Growing Australian Plants) and Eucalypts were my speciality.
@pete: The Japanese also think that (most) Americans are fat and lazy.
Sounds like French Revenge.