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Let’s browse of here.
I understand Tojo. I love going down too.
Tried nose diving. ‘Snot much fun.
But she “got off” well more than 80% of the time.
INSIDE, NOW! And swoop.
This IS a bit off
There should also be more OFF. If you believe that, you morON.
Is Pal Group owned by PayPal?
So stop picking it then only 20% to go.
I’ll not buy and they missed me now.
I not care nose
More inside, more off!
Our complaints department, will use that broadhead with startling effectiveness.
Swoop da whoop! Imma chargin’ mah purchases!
In Australia “PAL” is a brand of dog food.
– Hurry up, Mommy! Only 80% off left!
80% off nose diving? Must be an olfactory clearance.
The store took a nosedive. That’s why their stock is so highly discounted.
I agree there should be more OFF when it comes to clothes on a woman.
“Dr Watson.” said Holmes. “I see that you and your wife had a
sixty-niner this morning. Then because you were running late, you ate your soft boiled eggs, toast, and coffee, standing up, before you ran out the door to come to work.
Watson. “That’s astonishing Holmes. How did you deduce that?”
Holmes. ” Elementary my dear Watson. You have drops of egg on the toecap of your right shoe, and toast crumbs on your trouser cuffs, and you are right-handed. Also, you have a brown mark on the end of your nose.”
@Marum | 4:12 am: Coincidentally, in the US there is a MAX™ dog food.
Now, inside. Sign, here.
@Dr Lex 0421. In todays Courier Mail (Bris daily newspaper) There was an article, (which I didn’t read, just looked at the sub-head) which said: “Rihanna is unable to contain herself.”
I then noticed the picture of her in a little red dress, and immediately thought; “And neither can the dress!” And moved on. :aghast:
Is it possible to turn this ”ON”?
I’m so present right now. I’m a gift
WARNING: 20% off remaining. Please wait …
They missed not a care.
Enough with the Pal Already.
How about Whiskas? . 😾
By the look of the arrow, they are heading for a perfect “three point landing”
Yeah! Two knees, and your nose. 😱
BTW What has one eye, a pink tongue, a pink tongue, and loves sex? 😜
There should be more OFF!, but evidently, they don’t care about mosquito bite prevention here.
Gee, I wonder how Max feels about all of this.
when they talked about 80% off, they weren’t talking about the price only.
they were talking about the actual product as well.
now would you like to purchase our instant ramen? only 80% off-no waitaminute *takes bite of ramen block* 90% off
@RT: I saw an animated cartoon when I was a child, with a scene which showed a sign saying “CLOTHES 1/2 OFF” and then half a shirt on a hanger, half a suit on a hanger, half a dress on a hanger, all cut down the middle.