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If PETA is for the ethical treatment of animals, what is LETA and why do they treasure the flowek and grass?
Flowek must be a Vulcan name. It would be illogical to state that Vulcans don’t have life, but I am certain that Flowek would find the word ‘tlasure’ fascinating.
@UCity: I believe LET’A is the Life-Encompassing Trlasure Association
Let’a Treasure, Get’a Treasure.
UCity 9:03,
Ladies for…?
Laborers for…?
Leaders for…?
Lawyers for…?
Lyricists for…?
Lesbians for…?
Endless possibilities….
Doc Lex 9:07,
Ohhh, I dunno…”Flowek” sounds more like a Cardassian name to me.
Like “Garek”.
Tirek’s embarrassing cousin.
I know a lot of people who treasure grass………
Flowerk might be sleeping. Best not disturb
It’s in the post
Let’a Engriah!
Can I vomit heke?
Flowek and grass have life, as opposed to you…
Meh, I’ll just goek with the flowek.
Get a life, GLASS!
OK, I get it! You don’t need to write me a let’a about it!
But what if there’s buried trlasure?
My lady and I made love on the lawn,
All through the night until the dawn,
When we found we had grass-burns on everything,
Oh bugger the grasses which grow in the spring
My pllasure to trlasure the floweks