Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Always Happy When Engrish Is!
We have limitly before 70 minutes.
I tapped my heels but there’s still leftovers…
Photo courtesy of Emma Orsvärn.
Sweets Paradise found in Tokyo, Japan.
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If I don’t have a slip, a can I give her a pair of panties, or a bra?
Sorry, no seconds.
This just sucks
This notice isn’t sweet at all.
Don’t worry about the heeltap.
It’s the knecappin that is of greater concern.
Living Tableware, must be the sweets
Welcome to Sweets Paradisease!
I haven’t finished living, I’m just dying to know what the sign means.
The heeltap 3 times will take you back to Kansas.
@Marum | 4:02 am: Hey, if she’s good enough to make you return, why not bring her flowers too? 😛
I always enjoy it alowly. Who wants to rush?
@DnT 0414. If she is reallly bad, I might give her a terrible licking.
I know what they do with dead coffee cups. They creamate them.
Those who enjoy the sweets too quickly, will finish living and will have to be returned.
@DrLex | 4:22 am: And then they refer to them as “The latte” coffee cups. 😕
@Yu No Hoo. 0404. Awww! That’s being awfully hard-hearted. I was always up for thirds, and fourths, and occassionally fifths.
@Dr, Lex and DNT 0431.
Isn’t that the Mormons?
The Church of Jesus Christ of The Latte Day Saints.
“The food was good, but they played “Ballroom Blitz” on a constant loop.”
@Dr. Lex and DnT 0431 .
Isn’t that the Mormons?
“Your bill, sir”.
“Er… the money… there is not it”.
@Yu No Hoo & Frank Burns: I love those subtle captions!
For those finished living, I ask to remove the body so that there is not it. After all, no one lives unlimitedly.
Sugar kills…
Those that have finished living probably had a bad case of tableware.
The return that have finished living? Who knew zombies had a sweet tooth!
Who would have thought that unlimitedly would have so many limitations?
Mrs. Jones,
We are saddened to hear of your husband’s death.
We need our fork back.
Thank you.
I see: To get a car fragrance that not is before, the heeltap ask so that there is not it.
CAUTION: Enjoy it slowly but no more than 70 minutes.
Also known as ”24/70
– Mommy, what is that there is not it?
– Schrödinger’s Cat!
Return of the tableware in the case of tableware = return that have finished living in the case of return of the tableware case full of finished living.
Tap me with those 8″ spike heels, baby!
The sweets here are very expensive, but they’ll seem less so if you take tiny bites and enjoy them slowly for at least 70 minutes.
(Sigh) All those starving penniless (uhh…yen-less) English teachers working for peanuts in Japan who can speak Japanese…and those freakin’ cheap Japanese shopkeepers STILL won’t pay them even one danged peanut for an accurate freakin’ translation into idiomatic English!!!
(Sorry folks…my history’s showing…)
@Pete above.
Yes my son. That is an indignity, up with which I would not put. 🙄
BTW. By which miscontstruction of english, does a “heeltap” occur?
Abd WTF is it?
Suicide by tableware