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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Blindfolds available at the entrance.
comme si comme ca
And if I do cartwheels
OK if I chew gum at the same time?
Just a moment while I put on my walking glasses..
Minimum speed for sightseeing is 16km/h or 10mph.
Watch where you’re going or you’ll go where you’re watching.
I can see faster than I walk, anyway.
You can still run and sightsee.
Let the experience move you.
No walking.
No sightseeing.
Have a nice day!
I want to rent a horse!
Welcome to Mutually Exclusive Scenic Walking Park.
May I sit still, with my eyes closed?
But I even like oral sex with my lady, with my eyes open.
I enjoy the view.
I note this sign is firmly affixed. Apparently, blind people keep crashing into it, because they can’t hear it.
They caught me peeking and poked me in the eye!
“I see NOTHING!”
-Sgt Schultz.
@FB 0602. They caught me poking on the Gold coast and sealed up my eye. Three days later, they found my nuts in Sydney.
If you can remove this sign from the stone my son, you will get to be a great Queen.
If you can glean some meanibg from this sign, you will be George Bush Jnr.
Move along. Nothing to see here.
Ah ah ah, I saw you seeing something.
Also, if you could hold your breath until you pass out, that’d be great.
Also, the sightseeing bus is rigged with explosives that will detonate when the speed goes below 50 mph.
I feel a Bill Ingvall moment coming on.
– Mommy? There’s a strange organic form in the lower right corner!
No Monty Python while silly walking
No silly walking while Cleese
– Are you sightseeing, Madam?
– Yes Officer, but I only see a bit of…
– And, are you walking as well?
– Yes, but …
– I see. Step out of the car, please.
I know nothing about Chinese, but the second string of characters is exactly the same, except some of them have swapped places, giving an “a = b so b = a” format. So this was intended? Wow, they really INSIST there in China… talk about enforcement…
@Geo above; Thus I would assume that the “T” with two arms = No.
Probably totally erroneously. Although the thing with three legs, does look like something walking.
Actually its nuts appear to be lusted on.
@Geo & Marum: My 2¢ worth is that the “T” with 2 arms probably means something like “not at the same time” (exclusive OR ?). I don’t speak Chinese, though.
nothing to see here folks, please disperse!
-leslie nielsen as lt. frank drebin
Just stop, drop, and roll around with your eyes closed. :p
Well, if you don’t care to go sightseeing or take a walk, you could sit here in the waiting room…or…you could wait here in the sitting room.
@Geo, DnT, Marum and whomever: the translation is actually accurate which makes this sign all the more puzzling. The first two characters mean ‘walking’, the middle is ‘not’, and the last two of the first line are ‘watch the scenery’.
@Dr Lex. Well, the thing with three legs, looks like an insect scurrying along. (Unless chinese men are incredibly welll endowed)
Ergo: It is forbidden to look at the scenery, while taking your bug for a walk. 🙄
Conversely; It is inadvisable to look at the scenery, when chinese men have three foot penises. Hahahahaheheehhohohoho!