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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for your dairy life
Our concierge just got out of prison.
If you don’t like your service you better not snitch.
Photo courtesy of Christopher Meller.
Hotel found in Egypt.
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We also have a shady ladty service. For your entertainment.
Donkey show is down the next street.
Where do I park my camel
Baksheesh our specialty.
You can also buy units.
They are marketed via a “Pyramid” scheme.
Those prison cells are rated 5 stars
@Algernon 0404..
At a Camelot.
Is that where the hand job convention was?
You claim our rooms are not big enough “to swing a cat in”.
Ah Effendi, how did you fit the cat in the room in the first place?
@FB 0408. The have a Conventionn Centre at the Gold Coast for that.
It is at Tugun.
(Between Coolangatta and Currumbin))
If you are into entomology, our rooms will delight you.
Competes with the sunni place across the street.
Seems legit.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shady knows!
@Yu No Hoo | 4:30 am: Well played, sir! Especially as it’s possibly true!
@DnT 0433. Yes. Ww photohraph all of our guests for security reasons.
Heh heh heh heh heh heh. 👿
I’ll try that again: We photograph all our geusts – for security reasons.
Evil laughter. 😉
Pssst, buddy… you looking for…. …a room?
@Marum | 4:30 am: Did you mean etymology?
The service here really sphinx!
I’m at a loss.
How do I distinguish this place from the thousands
of other shady hotel operations in Egypt?
I sooner expect that from a motel.
@DnT 0556.
There once was a lass called Horton,
Who said that her face was her fortun’,
She had of course,
A c— like a horse,
And a fart like a 750 Norton.
You might also like:
Q: What do you call an illegal Egyptian currency trader?
A. A piastre crook.
Bit of mispronounciation needed
Piastrev= Pi aster (conv)
Piastre = Pee ass tree (pastry; concocted for the joke)
Shadecondition in every room.
Another fine Trump property…
Nothing suspicious here, nope. You know, just lots of balconies with a nice view of the street below.
So if Kid Rock sets up shop at the top of Four Seasons, this is where Slim Shady drops hip hop off the balcony for all the right reasons. (i tried)
@Marum | 7:23 am: Mate, if you have to explain them…. 🙄
Possibly. But I wished to it be let known which of their many past currencies I was alluding to.
The present Egyptian currency is the Pound. = LE. Which is perplexing, for i speak no French.
LE = Livre Egyptienne
“My room is too hot!” “Don’t worry I’ll call the air conman”