Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Let's Speech Engrish!
le somewho, you ask?
posted on 3 May 2017 in Household Items
Sprink le time mexico can be found alternative universe Shakespear.
Photo courtesy of Allen Cooley.
Found on a bowl.
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Fragrant?? Your calligraphy stinks.
Mexicp won’t dare, when El Don puts up his wall.
Mexico (merde)
Q. Who is the most famous lady in Mexico.
A. La Brecha.
We all do #1 and #2 but I can’t even imagine what it would be like to do the big thousand!
In Mexico, sprink le time follows winter le time.
Somewho, this doesn’t make sense anyhoo.
So. It’s a pink orchid.
It’s over big thousand!
Why Mexico, What about Wall
Sprink must be the font
I El Pajero Pueblo, sprinked this message far and wide.
C’est le time pour some random langue mixing.
those are not orchids, they are grapes.
Iced Ink. (read it to yourself out loud three times)
“Ay Caramba!”
-Bart Sprinkson
I asked somewhat to teach me calligraphy, but they wouldn’t even give me l’heure of the day. Maybe I’ll try mañana.
Moe: Hello, Moe’s Place.
Bart & Lisa: Is Mr. Dink there?
Moe: I dunno, what’s his first name?
Bart & Lisa: I dunno but his nickname is Ice.
Moe: Telephone for Ice Dink! Is Ice Dink here?
Bart & Lisa: Hahahaha!
For they who: habla Espanol a poco. In explanation.
By “La Brecha”. I was alluding to: El abismo entre las piernas.
It was the nearest feminine sounding name for a large/huge gap, I could think of.
ie: La Brecha = Gulf. Conversely; El Brecho == a male gulf. 🙄
As in; El nino or La nina.
My apologies to they, whom, Espanol is their native tongue. In my defense….I just can’t help myself.
@Pete 0705 I left a message for one of our salesmen to ring Mr.Kerr of Wang Computers.
I thought they would tell him to “stuff orf”, but they didn’t get it either
@Marum 724:
That’s ‘coz ya fergot to specify Wang as Mr. Kerr’s first name, mate.
“A Sprinkle In Time-” wasn’t that a movie?
Times New Mexico?
Big Thousand is Watching Who
Dude, doing the big thousand fragrant somewho is soooo out of fashion.
♫When it’s sprinktime in Alaska, It’s forty below♪
…and when it’s sprinktime in Quebec, it’s 30 beleau.
♫Cat Beleau? Cat Beleau?
She’s an outlaw through and through♪
Come to think of it. That picture on the left, looks like my lady used to, when I spent nearly an hour on foreplay. MMmmm.