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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Donig what’s right
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This would be a right bastard of a Jigsaw.
That’s what I always told my lady.
She “all ways” agreed. 😀
Don’t get down on yourself if you fail.
The jobs who say “Nig”.
That’s what Shi said
Droll not Troll | 4:06 am: The Knights who say ”In”
This door is made of irony.
If course I’m doing it
No proofreednig?
Donig is the new work
A sign worth translatnig is a sign worth translatnig onlnie
Well girls, if at first you don’t succeed – just check….He may just be dead.
Donig Kerabbs.
Yes, bathroom stall door, I like dooing well as I can.
If he is dead, gnir 000. The Emergency Response Squad will be sure to come for you.
For a sign maker, this is a worth-case scenario.
Looks like aerial view of certain human body part.
As a matter of etiquettte, it would be proper, to temporarily stow your ex-paramour under the bed, first. 😉
What a silly cnut!
Copypastnig, Kick Door and Lyrics by Miss Sum Tnig, Whom & Edrag Anal Peo
You that read wrong.
Made ”Ni” Taiwan
I am reminded of a “Mr. Boffo” cartoon with the caption “Waste of a lifetime achievement award”, showing a picture of a stone carver carving a huge block of stone saying “I’M NOT SPUTID”.
Is that huge golden blotch supposed to be some wacked-out view upwards from floor level of some taiwanese dude’s junk? And I don’t mean the kind that sails on the Yangtze River!
(The Yellow River, maybe…)
You had ONE job… you had ONE FREAKNIG JOB!
Inspired by ”Donig Darko” and ”Teh Thnig”
I didn’t know that Nickelodeon had a studio in Taiwan.
Go to Aceh (Atceh) and try their Coffee Lawak, (no, not Luwak) then you won’t care about the job….Or anything for that matter.
Ref: Coffee+Ganja; cut n paste: Or search for; Coffee and Aceh.
Speaking of “doing a job well”.
They tell me that the ‘itai-itai-iku-iku’ thing, vanishes after marriage. 😥
Oh, the inory..
How ture, how ture!
What a poorly made sing.
Beware the blob donig what it does best, eating.
Now is that an orange flavoured doughnut?