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Hello Mouseketear!
Its the Monkey mouse show with Annette Fulla chello
It’s Hansel and Gretel. They’re going to put Mickey in the oven.
Singnellecant you deserve Allen
But I don’t know any of those people.
Why do they deserve my alienation.
They deserve you, allantoin. Their skin is in terrible condition.
A carear is what you have when your career is behind you.
Someone is really taking the Mickey!
What is this I don’t oven
I don’t think I would signal c-nt either.
My first instinct would be to keep it all for myself.
Hello, Honey.
Did you oven know they slipped you a mickey?
Or were you not paying allantion?
My car doesn’t have ears.
They call ’em doors.
This t-shirt deserves alienation.
Car-rear? 1956? Looks like a drive-in. If all you do is smile and say hello, these were innocent times indeed.
Oh, I see. The thing with 1956 on it is a set of ears to put on your car.
What made those people so ill they can’t sign?
So! They sold 1,956 of those Mickey Mouse skull-caps.
While I was checking the spelling of allantoin, I found this article: Could hidden-face-cream-Ingredient-extend-life?
@SF 0431.
Don’t knock Drive-in Theatres mate. From the late 50s to the early 70s, they were responsible for increasing the population of Aust.
Plus bench seats and large steering wheels, often rendered a “strategic withdrawl” impossible.
“Hello Honey” makes me think of either a Ta Ta Bar or the ‘Here’s Johnny’ scene in The Shining. Two words in and I’m already overloaded.
Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me?
Signillicant allanation, oven and honey!
@Long Tom: Allan is the leader. That’s why everything will be signillcantly Allantioned.
I know a gal who is blessed with an amazing ca-rear!
This girl is getting dressed to go to a ball. Suddenly a mouse runs across the floor, up her ballgown, and appears between her breasts.
She looks down and asks. “Are you a Titmouse?”
The mouse replies: ‘Gasp! No! I’m a Mickey Mouse with rooted brakes!’
I don’t knaw, I’ve said hello to same peuple, only to have it come beck, and get me right in the carear!
Car-ears? I believe the term you’re looking for is “butterfly doors”.
Pete 7:07am : Are you talking about Kim Kadashian?
So Mickey Mouse’s upper part of the head is called ”carear”
I tried to smile and the oven exploded
Signill dan’t deserve allantion, oven if microwave.
OMG whut? I don’t oven…..
Reading this shirt is giving me Dizz-ney spells.
Better to be a signilliCAN than a signilliCANT.
Indeed, I’ve met many worthy fringes, call leagues, and ack quaint winces in my time.
BFC 8:52:
Nope. Not her. Her ca-rear is much TOO big for me.
Not into that. Faced with the choice of a gal with a huge career vs. a more modest career, the modesty tends to draw my more than big, loud, and in yer face.
Is that why the old witch wanted to put Hansel and Gretel in the oven? All they did was smile and say hello?
Yes. She was in to grope sex.
how to progress in your workplace, by rachel ray
Marum 7:27 a.m. – I feel stupid having to ask, but what are “rooted brakes”? Google couldn’t tell me.