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Donald will be keen on this
Not just little fussy.
I’m just wondering what time it is.
Written by Edrag Anal Poo & Rolf Mao
Becous high quality that knowledge concerning shirt production of all intime makes.
Yup she did! But small servings are really delicious
Do you notice that the ladies have two dimples at the base of their spine.
By this symbol, I think the target, could be the Chocolate Starfish
This shirt is a manimal thing. For femalimal thing go to the next rack.
Part of the Hello Pussy range.
Is that a pussy in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
They made this because it hadn’t alreasera been done.
I almost thought “cyle” was some chinese dialect for “tight”.
You have to keep the man-imals away from the little pussy. They’ve gone raving mad!
What was worse, Manimal or Automan?
@Geo 0700. True mate. So many Aussies do. It took me nearly six months of reassuring, and proving it to her, before my little lady stopped being terrified of me. Once I convinced her, she was a totally uninhibited lover. I loved her too much, to ever want to injure her.
If there is a large disparity in your physiques, patience, and being very careful with your lady, pays off a thousandfold.
Intl inside
@72rd 0824. Maybe. But I can assure you it wasnt microsoft, or SOFTware..
If, during oral-sex, you lady starts talking in, incoherent, half finished sentences….You’re obviously doing it just right….Keep on, keeping on.
– Look, Mommy, how cyle!
– Coupl or the all, Alresera?
Square cat in a round hole.
I think whoever made this shirt has watched Battlefield Earth. That would explain the obvious brain damage.
Even Dr Chase likes a little pussy now and then.
There once was a man named Kent,
Whose penis was terribly bent,
That when he essayed,
To entertain a fair maid,
Instead of coming he went.
I really hope that it’s an adult size hoodie.
@Marum | 5:46 am: 😀 In the version I heard, lines 3 and 4 go:
To save himself trouble
He put it in doubled
@Seventy2rd o clock | 8:24 am: And the operating system is ME! This is an old shirt!
Like the Tequila ad. Lip, sip, suck, is the best way to open the door.