It usage a secret formul.
Photo courtesy of Patrik Almqvist.
Manipulating your racing boat with your hand too often can make you go blind.
It sense me to make no.
I most assuredly enjoyed manipulating “the man in the boat”.
Ground, I am acquaint!
In fact. I didn’t need no fancy Radio Controller. I used my tongue.
For land and see
Hey, whatever manipulates your boat.
Which left both hands free for other things. 👿
Formul a land boat
More and more acquaint of the boat with ground proves that becoming a top-class superior is no walk in the woods.
Smugglers can manipulate illegal immigrants using this boat.
Ground remote control on a sesame seed bun.
If your boat contacts the ground, you may have it confused with a Land-yacht.
BTW. Yacht is prononced Yatchet; and means nothing.
Elton John to ground control.
Houston! We have a problem – I don’t know whixh way to turn.
High-powered radio control. Disclaimer: things near the transmitter may start spontaneously cooking.
That probably explains why my male part used to raise, without use of the hand. My lady had a cute little remote control device.
@jjhitt 0454. Well. The flour was once ground.
You wouldn’t want to be one of those lower-class superiors.
@jjhitt & Marum: Need I remind you that a bun is the lowest form of wheat? Probably not.
If I get frustrated, I may indeed acquaint with the ground a remote control!
A winner is you!
– Match your eye, Brain!
CAUTION: Definitely contains nuts
Crap! I thought this was a box of tissues.
The Secret Formul for Lake Superiority!!
Is this Superdong 1?
Manipulating your racing boat with your hand too often can make you go blind.
It sense me to make no.
I most assuredly enjoyed manipulating “the man in the boat”.
Ground, I am acquaint!
In fact. I didn’t need no fancy Radio Controller. I used my tongue.
For land and see
Hey, whatever manipulates your boat.
Which left both hands free for other things. 👿
Formul a land boat
More and more acquaint of the boat with ground proves that becoming a top-class superior is no walk in the woods.
Smugglers can manipulate illegal immigrants using this boat.
Ground remote control on a sesame seed bun.
If your boat contacts the ground, you may have it confused with a Land-yacht.
BTW. Yacht is prononced Yatchet; and means nothing.
Elton John to ground control.
Houston! We have a problem – I don’t know whixh way to turn.
High-powered radio control. Disclaimer: things near the transmitter may start spontaneously cooking.
That probably explains why my male part used to raise, without use of the hand. My lady had a cute little remote control device.
@jjhitt 0454. Well. The flour was once ground.
You wouldn’t want to be one of those lower-class superiors.
@jjhitt & Marum: Need I remind you that a bun is the lowest form of wheat?
Probably not.
If I get frustrated, I may indeed acquaint with the ground a remote control!
A winner is you!
– Match your eye, Brain!
CAUTION: Definitely contains nuts
Crap! I thought this was a box of tissues.
The Secret Formul for Lake Superiority!!
Is this Superdong 1?