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Manipulating your racing boat with your hand too often can make you go blind.
It sense me to make no.
I most assuredly enjoyed manipulating “the man in the boat”.
Ground, I am acquaint!
In fact. I didn’t need no fancy Radio Controller. I used my tongue.
For land and see
Hey, whatever manipulates your boat.
Which left both hands free for other things. 👿
Formul a land boat
More and more acquaint of the boat with ground proves that becoming a top-class superior is no walk in the woods.
Smugglers can manipulate illegal immigrants using this boat.
Ground remote control on a sesame seed bun.
If your boat contacts the ground, you may have it confused with a Land-yacht.
BTW. Yacht is prononced Yatchet; and means nothing.
Elton John to ground control.
Houston! We have a problem – I don’t know whixh way to turn.
High-powered radio control. Disclaimer: things near the transmitter may start spontaneously cooking.
That probably explains why my male part used to raise, without use of the hand. My lady had a cute little remote control device.
@jjhitt 0454. Well. The flour was once ground.
You wouldn’t want to be one of those lower-class superiors.
@jjhitt & Marum: Need I remind you that a bun is the lowest form of wheat?
Probably not.
If I get frustrated, I may indeed acquaint with the ground a remote control!
A winner is you!
– Match your eye, Brain!
CAUTION: Definitely contains nuts
Crap! I thought this was a box of tissues.
The Secret Formul for Lake Superiority!!
Is this Superdong 1?