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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
Doesn’t the toilet get flashed enough?
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Approved by Flush Gordon.
Careful where you point that thing
Oh John, don’t make me laugh
“Gonna tie my pecker to my leg.”
-Mojo Nixon.
Or press the buttON.
I’ll try, but it’s hard.
This toilet is not operating at peek performance.
Must be a problem with the ballcock.
AWW! Can’t i wave it around a leetle.
Hear about the flasher who snuck into a convent.
He was able to escape two weeks later.
– Hurry up, Hairy!
“So the bloke stood there for hours, waiting for the light to come on……”
Taking selfie of your excrement – Brownie!
And sometimes you may need to pull the knob.
I suspect this is a trick by Reverse-Flash meant to slow me down.
– Especially during a full moon.
It may be hard, so watch out.
Introducing: “The Flush”
Proud member of the Justice League’s sanitation team!
I don’t really flash the toilet. I moon it.
“Say cheese!” as your butt cracks a smile during the flash.
I didn’t know they made toilets for fireflies!
Big Fat Cat: There is already a website called “ratemypoo.com” with that very purpose in mind.
And no, I refuse to provide a link to it.
Keep the lid down. The disintegration flash may blind you, or expose you to needless radiation.
Well, that explains the “Members Only” sign on the door.
Hold it down?!! Then what’s the point of flashing?
Reboot raincoat after applying flash.
So that it fertilizes Man’s Field.
Just in case you snapped your peanuts by accident.