Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
May contain wheat and nuts
How are you served
But can you bake the universe?
I prefer raw emotions.
Yes, I’m sure she has nice chestnuts.
The expiry date was 2012.02.01. She looks stale and old.
Taste and enjoy your happy time.
You’ll definitely want seconds.
Made from high grade material.
Please do not drive or operate heavy machinery after consuming.
♪We wsh you a coeliac reaction, and a happy diahorrea♫
♫If you come to our house, to our house.
We’ll all have some fun,
We’ll give you milk and cookies,
And put you in the oven until you’re done♪
The only bread with a tensile strength rating.
Oh don’t worry, I get a wide range of tastes during happy time.
@FB 0550. Is that Number – Brinell or Poldi?
Our best wish is that you won’t ask what kind of material we use.
BTW I realize that Brrinell, and Poldi, are really hardness tests. Brimell correlates quite closely to tensile strength, in the “S” range, it is farly close.
Within a certain range of hardness that is. Once one has to use “W” test balls, the metal is getting too hard, to relate any more.
W = Wolfram (Tungsten).
S = steel. (not hardened)
I will accept nothing but the best tasty.
Something is about to happy.
Chocolate is rarely put into bread. I wonder if they actually mean cake?
It may be best tasty, but is it lowest pricy?
– I ♥ your Vanilla Moron, ♀. You should © the recipe!
– Oh, ♂ … *♫☺♫*
slightly musty;
new breads happy
Her face is attractive
dough impressive
lovely to get her
– Edgar Marron Poe
@Long Tom | 9:15 am: It could be even weirder than that, as the marron is a chestnut. Also, googling “Cacao marron” reveals that it’s a hair colouring!
I always choose high grade material wishes for my happy time.
So rebar then?