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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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They’re fantastic medicines, they really are
posted on 10 Feb 2017 in Chinglish
They are terrific medicines, they are really great.
Photo courtesy of Ron Osborne.
Taken in Shenyang, China.
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The elixir of life.
They’re magic you know
That’s what the bloke did first with his lady.
Some part of something perhaps
Yu doctor, Shi nurse.
A randy old scientific boffin,
Concocted a potion to get off on,
His lady counted number eight,
Which determined his fate,
And they carried him off in a coffin.
My favorite is Whatevercillin in form of Apple iPad tablets.
You can tell the effect of this New and Special Medicine from those women zombies outside the shop.
A Patent Medicine which was around when I was a boy, on it’s label
claimed: Fixes all bronical problems.
I fervently hope, that their alchemy, was more efficaciousm than their english.
Those receiving special medicine typically arrive in a short ambulance.
How nice, We had to buy ours from the guy in the trenchcoat hanging out in the playground.
“It’ll make you see Christmas.”
The nostrum of notability.
The elixir of exclusivity.
The medicine of marvellousness.
The potion of particularity.
The doseage of difference.
“Doctor! Those pills I got of you to make me smarter. I think they are useless. In fact, i think they taste like sheep-sh1t.”
‘See! You are getting smarter already.’
So new and special that it can cure diseases that don’t even exist yet.
Hot off the (pill) presses!
Way better than the Expired & Ordinary medicine I used to take…
BTW, sorry to be a party pooper, but how did this photo get uploaded? This isn’t Engrish, just sub-par kerning and a vague business name…
Snake Oil by any other name?
Scene from ”Life of Brain Specialist”
@Geo: You have a point, but we don’t typically see “special medicine” advertised in the West…unless the idea is to imply quack medicine.
Doctor person it prescribe me.
For new and special people.
Hope this store sells laughing gas cause this Engrish needs to be funnier.
Just here to pick up something for ma-lady.
“Hey! This one’s mostly stems and seeds!”
Sex, New Special Medicine & Rock’n’Roll
@Long Tom 0725.
If a Doctor crashed whilst doing his rounds.
Could one say; “He had a quack up.”?