CAUTION: Students ( aka The last supper) are preserved (embalmed) in a worm coffin with some flies, dried fruits and nuts. They have unusual music taste and might go bad quickly but that’s because they’re dead so keep ’em in this strange shape.
8 years ago
They used to be children for beans…
Long Tom
8 years ago
I’ve heard of student bodies, but this is ridiculous.
8 years ago
They’re not bad, but the tiny little graduation caps get stuck in your teeth.
Nonsuch Ned
8 years ago
Sichuan Weijute Green Foods is People! It’s peeeoplleee!
I love the quality control
It looks a bit chilli to me
This is adivision of the Hang Mee, hong Hi He, he ho, he he, hooo hee haha hawhaw Trading Company of Shanghai.
That’s why all our students are brain dead. They are all in vegetarian state.
I’ve already taught this type of student.
If the students had preserved with theiir studies, they wouldn’t have ended up in the Vignole.
Teacher: If you keep on like this, you will end up like Christopher Columbus.
Student: You mean I’ll be famous?
Teacher: NO! You’ll go down in history.
These students chose the wrong field of study!
Q; Do you know why the Asparagas shoots?
A. Because the Chillies fired first.
This product has a lot of class.
That’s why they taste like children.
Freshman vegetables are better for you.
Looks like it would fail the taste test.
Some vegetable-students just want to cause a rhubarb. Lettuce be thankful they’re not all trying to beet the system.
The company’s name has been mistranslated. It should be “Soylent”.
Mmmmm … Student food!
Some have potatoes for brains…
Their contributions shall not be lost.
I like how proudly they advertise their ISO9001 approval. Because that’s what I look for in a bag of frozen vegetables.
My kid beet up your honor student.
CAUTION: Students ( aka The last supper) are preserved (embalmed) in a worm coffin with some flies, dried fruits and nuts. They have unusual music taste and might go bad quickly but that’s because they’re dead so keep ’em in this strange shape.
They used to be children for beans…
I’ve heard of student bodies, but this is ridiculous.
They’re not bad, but the tiny little graduation caps get stuck in your teeth.
Sichuan Weijute Green Foods is People! It’s peeeoplleee!
These are Grade-A vegetables.
Please tell me that’s the cast of vegetales
I bet students with dyslexia, Asperger’s, ADHD . . . are less yummy.
Preserve and work hard to achieve you English learn goals, I mean persevere…
These students dropped out of my mouth.