Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
We Always Happy When You Is
Are they magic beans?
Hey, it was faster than the adoption service.
Photo courtesy of Marcus Hastings.
Menu spotted in Guangxi, China.
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They are not the “Bees Knees”.
They are the “Bears Ears”.
Goes all with grandmother grains and beef balls
What did you well for this
Auricularia, is a malady which make you want to sleep all winter.
It is caused by a parasite, transmitted by the Ear Worm.
Heinz 87 varieties. (of fartz)
Would you like adults for nuts?
Boys love beans – for the sound effects.
Girls not so much – apparently girls do not see being able to fart like thunder, such a great achievement.
ï¼£hildren for beans, Trump for president.
They must be kid-ney beans.
They must’ve bean bad.
Babies. for pees.
Why fry Auricularia? He’s a fun guy!
Soylent green is getting younger.
Some children are runners, some are broad, and some get black eyes.
Sounds like a fair trade to me.
Kids for Korn.
Children are pod people!
Children for beans: the alternate ending to Jack and the beanstalk.
I had a cow, but I traded it for these magic beans.
I’ve never really liked Latin food.
Somebody doesn’t know beans about English. Maybe he has children for brains.
Is 22 the number of children you have to trade in for the beans?
Make way for the heroic Huai san celery!
Better beans than sorry.
22 RMB for four beans. I’m being ripped off…
This must be the Chinese division of Soylent Restaurants. It IS from the same restaurant that brought you “Gramdmother food grains…”
Seasonably, the Walgreens drug store chain sells Mexican jumping beans. Meant to entertain the children presumably.
Personally, I like my auricularia auricula done medium-well.
…or else it gets beaned by the small fry pan again.
Mashed human beans, anybody?