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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Oh, right. Like you’re in the BNA.
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I prefer Sica footwear
It just do
Juts Odd It.
Engilsh, pleass.
I prefer Mike, Dadiass and Conserve.
Nkie is the Greek goddess of ripoffs.
So that’s what dyslexic basketball shoes look like!
The knights who say; “nkie”.
– And two paris of Lorem Ipsum kids sucks, please.
I used to be a BNA warrior, until I took an arrow to the knie.
Endorsed by Mao Ying.
In high school I once saw a T-shirt with the word “adidn’t” on it. That I am sure was deliberate.
One size fist all.
They misspelled knife.
Bna: (n) a very short banana.
I guess Puma was cooked into a meal at this Chinese hotel.
BN or NB (new balance)?
Given 144 pairs they’re bound to get it right eventually.
They’re collectibles. Collect all 23. (Not 24, because the collection obviously does not include ‘NIKE’.)
Mdae in Chnia.
These are the same British North America slippers worn by the Fathers of Confederation in 1867. (Canadian history)
Proud members of the Hainan Basketball Nock-off Assembly.
I bought a wrench once that was stamped “dorp forged”. Guess where it was made.
No thanks; got any Roobek?
What kid doesn’t aspire to play in the All-Tsars game?
@FB 0641. What’s wrong with having your spanners made by a dorp?
Good tradesmen are hard to some by.
Not long after, I found “KINE” slippers. Unsurprisingly, they were made of cows’ leather.
BNA –> Bowlers’ National Association
Actually I like “mondagreens”, and the way the name came about, malapropisms, spoonerisms, puns, and the myriad of crazy things one can do with english
‘O ye Highlands,
And ye Lowlands,
Where hae yer bin,
They’ve slain the Duke O Moray,
And Lady Mondagreen.
(Laid him on the green) Hence: (which lay heggs) mondagreens.
Even the Maori language is subject to mondagreens.
The Maori version of the NZ national anthem. first two lines:
♫E Ihowa atua.
O nga iwi matou ra♪
The kids sing O nga iwi Matoura. “Matoura” is a town in the south island
@Geo 0838.
BNA = Banana Nibblers Association. 👿
Sori. How rude of me
First two lines translation.
♫O Lord, God,
Of nations and us too♪
It is not a translation of the “white/English version. ie
♫God of angels at thy feet,
In the bonds of love we meet♪
Or as the Rugby Union players sing it.:
God of angels at thy feet,
Give us shoes for we’ve flat feet?
Ben: They don’t want to get it right. They claim that “BNA” and “NKIE” aren’t trademark infringements because they aren’t spelled “NBA” and “NIKE”.
Maybe they were trying to spell “nookie”?
Next product up: Daddias.
(Daddy @$$?)
Buy ‘N’ Arge is your superstore
We’ve got all you need
And so much more!
Happiness is what we trade
That’s why everyone
Loves BNA!
(Anybody watch Wall-E, anyone? I was reminded of this the second time I saw this Engrish.)
Nkie or Knie?
Nope thanks. Give me Sadida or Corkport
The end is knie
Im a good at basketball coz i wear my Knie’s.
Got the rugby version wrong.
God of angels we entreat,
Give us shoes, for we’ve flat feet.
Jsut od ti.