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Because turtles
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Britney Spears … ?
Should take a turtle pill
…I write the book.
Why you look surprised Donatello.
SALE: Buy Every Time, get Never for free
Probably a reference to this old cartoon:
It happens every time.
Some day he’s going to snap.
Every time a turtle sits like this it pees?
It’s a Nutant Minja Turtle.
Touche Not Away!
I think that’s Wile E. Coyote’s line
The Tyrolean Hat gave it away.
Its Willian Turtell.
Well get some diapers already.
“Straight and true the arrow flew,
As though an angel guided,
It struck, and then the apple fell,
In pieces two divided.
(Approx: Grade 5 Primer – by; FIIK)
Urine trouble now.
Are you a Turtle?
Buy the matching underpants that say Any Time.
Every time I caption is made at here!
Happens every time. Whenever I try to make friends with a turtle, they turn out to be hard and cold and never fully come out of their shell.
He’s between a shell and a hard place.
“OK, Junior, that’s IT!!!
Now clean up this mess.
And take that feather out of your cap!”
Little did the toddler turtle realize that the potty was *not* supposed to go on his head.
What do you expect? He’s a turtle. Even if he uses the bathroom right before he leaves home there’s no way he’s getting where he’s going quick enough to not need a restroom break along the way.
The tortoise only beat the hare because he went without water for a day before the race, and he still had to hold it for the last quarter mile.
Potty on junior’s head?
Thus advancing a new theory on why the dinosaurs went extinct.
URINE big trouble shellback!