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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for your dairy life
Torpodoes–kller inwater!
Surelyimportant marine baties.
Photo courtesy of Dean Hamence.
Museum sign describing history behind a torpedo (Shenzhen, China.)
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Maybe they mean a “bathite” or perhaps a “xenobathite” which can operate at tremendous depths
‘Congrollesandconductedweapontointellgent’ – No doubt the longest Engrish word ever
They’re burning their brains in the backroom,
Really setting the cortex alight,
To find a thing that will gor crack-boom,
And blow up a Xenobathite.
– Utoin kller madegreal beeb ly ance gode conduelde baties?
– British ginger, for sure.
@72rd. 0406.
The weapon may be intelligent, buttheoroofreaderismarginal.
Was he the German Uboat captain, who went down on Marlene Dietrich.
Once there was Burma shave, today we have torpedoshave.
White Hyde a.k.a. Britishengingeer couldn’t hide a secret any longer: The deadly top-secret torpodo ingredient is actually a ginger.
Reason: Too much ginger beer
20 milliom Tong Torpedoes?
Yeah! Millions of Chineses criminals explode out of them.
@ Marum | 4:11 am: That might be the third longest Engrish word!
The German which which must have been a weapon that didn’t succeed.
White Hyde? I believe his name was Whitehead. They must be confused with Wilfred Hyde-White, who was often seen on the beeb (BBC).
A lesbian feminist once told me, that guns rifles and most weapons are phallic symbols, because they were designed by men.
Everytime I try to imagine what weapons would look like, if they were designed by women, I fall on the floor laughing.
Torpedoes are great for concealing boats. One minute the boat is there, next minute it’s not.
@Marum | 4:33 am: They’d probably shoot ping-pong balls.
@DnT 0432. Bai Jove old chap. Your repetoire of completely useless information, rivals, or possibly exceeds even mine.
May mere stultifying facts, never impede your imagination.
Tight lips
Save ships
By a whisker
@DnT. I was imagining this device, which somehow projected a large slotted hole at your opponent. This large slot then enveloped him, and crushed to an unrecognisable pulp.
War happens because there’s not enough goodinworld.
U boats where Goblins controlled Toledos.
It started off so well…
20millon tong torpedoeshave several 16-tong weight torpedoeshairy.
Now Dolald has control of the red button anything is possinle
Weapons of mess distractions
A torpedoshave is what happens when you get your hair caught in a torpedo’s propeller.
@ Mineko Unabara | 11:13 am: Therefore, never swim around torpedoes!
Controtied torpedoes: what could possibly go wrong?
Close shave America, close torpedoeshave.
Tong torpedoes deployed in galley, sir!
Actually, if I were on a submarine, tea infuser depth charges might concern me more than tong torpedoes.
I play electric aceustec gituar intheband White Hyde. We areinspried by the Kllers.
“…will surelyimportant roie in marine baties for the future.”
And let there be Engrish for generations to come!
These torpedoes have great concealing and killing capacities. The trouble is, we can’t control whether it will conceal you or kill you if you get shot by one. We have our best Britishengingeers working on it now…
Torpedoeshave made America greal widely again!
This 20 million mile long torpedo is intended for use against solar systems.
@Marum | 4:33 am – That reminds me of a cover of a 1970s Supergirl comic where she’s destroying a very phallic-looking alien artillery gun.
However, White Jekyll tried to destroy White Hyde’s torpedo designs.
The tirpedoshave, for those hard to target hairs.
Madegreal right here in back
@72rd 4:06 am
Yes, but the Germans are eons ahead of us in their technology for the war of the words. Witness “Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft”. That’s a genuine, grammatically correct word.