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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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You’d think the dozens of meters of fabric needed to dress those whales would cost a fortune!
I never thought there would be less truth in advertising
Freedom is cheap? Take it to the sperm bank.
And i continue to insist:
If you’re a gaijin their inventory STILL won’t fit you!
Do come again
Just the place for Mrs Palmer and her five daughters
Hey look! A sale on blue dresses!
Bill Clinton donates here
Give Me Freedom or give me Sperm!
Careful what you wish for Big Fat Cat.
The staff here can’t be beat.
Children are made at here!
Seriously, they MUST know what it means … right?
Supported by Nike
Certainly, many sperm have paid a great price.
All our product is made by hand.
Seamen’s outfitters.
You’ll need a wad of cash to shop here.
All their products are made in Wanking, China.
Proprietor: Mrs Porn.
Our staff are at your cervix.
When I saw the name, I assumed it was going to be for a gay nightclub.
It puts the condom on its thing or else it makes the clothes again.
You mean it’s not a swimwear store?
“Well, the morphology is great. You can’t fault that at all. But there’s just not a lot of motility. I give it… three stars out of five. But that’s mainly for the morphology.”
LtGen Sperm decided against using the standard flag, opting instead to design his own.
I’m not really surprised someone based a restaurant around that Natural Harvest cookbook. I am surprised it’s so highly rated.
Well I have a Free Willy with all the free sperm I want, mr. sign.
Sperm and body!
Website not found, does that mean they re out of ….?
Mightier than a sword.
@coffeebot – Bill Clinton is the only American not to have been in the services and to have been undone by a dishonorable discharge.
Freedom and sperm can come with a heavy price.