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Whats the brown stuff coming from your nose
Hey Tojo! What the F am I supposed to do with the handsoap
There are worse things than starving a flu
@Algrnon 0402 Same as you would with snot from the bum
When you get diarrhea of a runny nose, is what comes out called snit?
If the flu gives you anorexia there’s only a very slim chance of recovery.
Informing the reception desk of the correspondence is very clearly a symptom of the flu. …. Oh those are listed in the next paragraph.
Which pain? The wicked Which of the West pain.
– Mommy, why is this worthlessnessfeeling so hot?
If the flu gives you which pain, maybe taking drugs for it will give you which pleasure.
If you are having sex with l lady who has a cold, make sure that jar of lubricant by the bed isn’t really Vicks.
Dear reception desk; I just received a letter with influenza in it.
The space bar had a worthlessnessfeeling for a moment.
At least, no need to check out
@DnT 0406 .Sinu$hit3us maybe?
Call up Chuck at the desk.
Trying to communicate with hotel reception staff, may cause madness, but is unlikely to cause the flu.
I like that they have a lava-tory at the Mt. Fuji hotel.
Visit Mt. Fluji.
Dirty hands cause anorexia.
Q. Have you heard of; The dyslexic anorexic.
A. She thought she wasn’t hint enough.
He had a chunder out of the 50th floor window, and it flu all over the place.
Do not use the handsoap as a lubricant,.
You may fill the room with bubbles.
I guess Hillary forgot to use the handsoap again.
– Don’t pick your nose sweetie, you’ll crap your hands!
With diarrhea from the nose, you’re gonna need more than hand soap.
I wonder if German has a word equivalent to “worthlessnessfeeling”.
I’ve heard of diarrhea of the mouth, but this is ridiculous!
Diarrhea of a runny nose, also known as No.3
@Ucity 0736. Someone might have a better idea than me, but: Das Wortlosgefühl – assuming that you could make a portmanteau word out of it. One should always be carful when trying to be mischievous in a language other than one’s own. perhaps – waren nichts wert. ie. events made him feel warn nichts wert. Many expressions do not convert – straight over – in any language. ex. Between the devil and th deep blue sea = zwischen Baum und Borke. Which literally means – between the bark and the tree. Which makes no sense at all in English. Unless… Read more »
BTW for the non Aussies. Witchetty grubs live between the bark and the sapwood of the Eucalyptus Tereticornis (Qld Blue Gum). They are not those “Cut Grubs” you find in lawns. Most anglo-celtic aussies think they ar.
@Yoo Noo Hoo 0424.
You may only need it, if you have an eruption.
Better irrigate those nasal passages in order to “flush” that diarrhea.
– Is this poo?
– No, it’snot!
@Ucity: Wertlosigkeitsgefühl
Man oh man, I know the feeling…
Hmm, guess that means i should also take my nasal temperature with a rectal thermometer
For prevention of Affluenza, please drive your porsche down Mt Fuji.
@Conventi 1143. Thanks mate. I was going to add the “keits”, but lacked the confidence in the language, to do so.
Diarrhea of the nose, rhinorrhea of the rectum, feelings of worthlessness and eating disorders… and I thought swine flu was scary.
This is no ordinary flu. It includes fecal nasal vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, anorexia, and bulimia.
God, they have got a serious strain of flu going around in Japan.
Which pain? Well, I’m asking that myself. This sign isn’t clear about much.
The handsoap is in both the restroom AND the lavatory?
Around flu season, the suicide rate rises in Japan because of that worthlessnessfeeling.
Hey wait!!! Feeling worthless is my psych patients’ prerogative! Please don’t assign it to those with other diagnoses. They have so little as it is.
Is a nosebleed called “dysentery of a runny nose?”
Well thank Goodness, all this time I thought I had depression.