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The drink that stinks
It’s not just a pungent drink. It’s the core essence of what makes things smell bad, in a bottle.
Found at your nearest pun-geon
Could it be the color
I make up my own puns, and some of them are real stinkers!
The smell is strong enough to put extra twirls into the letter g.
Each bottle has a large collection of puns. Open at your own risk.
Smells like teen ferret.
It’s their #2 product.
Recycled tea?
Pungency, the tea that will make you caughy
Is that tea or old pee?
Q. What is brown and extremely dangerous?
A. Shark gravy.
Tried the vending machine but it was out of odor.
You have to have a punchant for this beaverage
Best served in a snifter.
P u – I can’t finish it.
manufactured by Peugeot.
@Marum | 4:19 am: “beaverage”? How did cameltoe get into this? 😀
edit: Caughy? I meant coughy. (It’s been a long day – I forgot how to spell.)
Warning: Product contains acerbic acid.
Put this in the freezer and you don’t get iced tea, you get iced ink.
@DnT 0455. “twas intended.
This batch was just scent from the olfactory.
It’s sheep-dip.
“Man, did I get pungent faced last night!”
It is actually an unguentelmanly liquid.
OH! So that’s where my bowel cancer screening sample went.
In other words, durian juice.
Mix with alcohol and you’ll bring new meaning to the phrase “Drunk as a skunk”.
Dinosaur piss!
Secret ingredient: Titan Arum flower juice.
(Look it up.)
@Marum | 6:16 am: The test results came back. Good news is, you don’t have cancer. Bad news is, you’re going to give birth to a politician.
i’m guessing it’s a bad idea to buy the “extra strong” flavor of this
Go easy on the puns, gents.
I think this isn’t chocolate.