Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Always Happy When Engrish Is!
Please accept my warm prompt.
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I get warm prompt if I don’t go to the restroom. Then I end up creating a dirty, and need a piece of paper.
Lets polite
When she picked it up in a short skirt, she created an election.
Picked up a piece of paper.
Saw that it was a useless lottery ticket.
Dropped piece of paper.
Creating neither a clean or a dirty.
Toppled over a garbage can, created many dirties
I’d say this prompt is only lukewarm.
Now the only thing spoiling the view is this sign.
Babies create a dirty, diaper change create a clean baby
Ate a bad chow-mein. Created sloshy boots.
I get cold prompt when I try to pick up a girl
Sign on bushwalking area IN Oz:
Flory the baby fly:
“I like sh*t. Sh*t is squishy”.
(If you don’t have kids and haven’g seen the sequel to “Finding Nemo” you won’t get this.)
Now here’s an Engrish “unexplainable”:
The stall door has just Chinese and Engrish on it.
All except for the small lettering at the bottom of the stall door where it says “Thank you very much” in JAPANESE.
Never mind that there’s no other Japanese on the door.
Or that it’s not always the case a Nipponese can figure out the meaning of the Chinese just looking at the characters. Or vice versa.
Example: 手紙
In Japanese 手紙 means “A letter” (that you send via postal mail)
In Chinese 手紙 means “Toilet Paper”.
; – )
Pete sticks foot in mouth again.
The very first line has Japanese which says “Caution!”
My bad.
Warm Prompt to government of PRC:
How ’bout you folks create a clean and actuall pay somebody to actually clean the FLOORS in your public restrooms whenever your drunken bumpkins decide to whizz or dump all over the floor?
Or re-educating them that this purpose is what the TOILET in the STALL was actually designed for????
(If you’ve been to Chinese public restrooms, you’ll likely agree w/me…)
Picked up a prostitute, created a burning (sensation).
Don’t say we didn’t warm you.
@Pete: I guess the Japanese don’t need to be told how to create a clean.
@DrLex 454:
You are correct, sir!
Ignorant creationists! Clean evolves!
Happiness is a warm prompt.
I hope the “warm prompt” is not that pointy yellow thing!
Picked up a piece of paper. Noticed it was a $20 bill. Creating a round of drinks!
@ Pete | 4:33 am : Re 手紙. I’m sure we’ve all received stuff in the mail where both meanings could apply! 😉
As it looks like bush behind the door, I imagine the warm prompt is when you accidentally rub your ring with a handful of nettles. :aghast:
@Marum | 4:28 am: The +1 on the sign is a nice touch, but I’d say anyone dumb enough to litter the countryside is too dumb to get the meaning.
Worst case of littering I ever saw in a national park was when some idiot had brought their crossbow in for some target practice and left behind a heap of used plastic targets!
@ Marum | 6:23 am : It must take true dedication to even get a handful of nettles that far!! 😯
@Marum | 4:05 am: Aroused the local members, did she?
Think I’d better make a clean getaway from this place.
Please aim carefully; don’t spread your warm prompt all over the place.
Here is a warm prompt:
Picked up a piece of paper
Creating a clean!
Well, rooty toot toot for you!
Too smokers pick up your ass! Making no butt clean!
@12.30 pm Smorkers!! Damn autocorrec or React!
And Mr. Clean was born, by spontaneous generation.
Ah who created a dirty warm prompt.. to change their undies?!?!!
Ugh . . . warm prompt not wanted here.
Please change it into a cool prompt . . . PROMPTLY !