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My pet bottle can empty itself wherever it wants.
Wind knot included
— Ornery Recycling Company
Pet bottle has a pet rock if onry
Living the rich life is graduating from a pet rock to a pet bottle
Empty Can, False Cancer
I’ll take ham on ry. bottles and cans are too crunchy.
Any wild bottles should be put in the trash.
Pet Bottle and Empty Can belong to an excrusive crub.
Where can I put the pet?
Onry the ronrey have a pet bottle.
Don’t throw away garbage. Keep it as a pet.
Please ensure pet bottle wouid not discharge into buildings.
Pet = polyethylene terephthalate
Do not leave lids on Pet Bottles for recycling, as lids are made of a non-compatible plastic..
They are made out of unwanted dogs and cats.
I would like a licence for my pet please, Eric the half-a-bottle.
They are made out of unwanted dogs and cats, with the odd budgie and Cavy thrown in.
They make good rockets, if you fill them full of Acetylene Gas.
WARNING: Don’t try this at home. We use fully qualified D/heads for this stunt.
Don’t pet bottle too much or it will piddle on the floor.
Ferget the bottle and the can.
Can I pet the jugs?
Pretty please?
If Empty can pet bottle, why can’t I?
@ Marum | 4:39 am : There is something that has always puzzled me: Why do most of the empty PET bottles discarded in public places have the caps screwed on? Were the idiot litterers expecting the bottles to refill by magic? 😕
BTW, I’m not sure that incompatible plastics are why recyclers want the caps removed. I think the trapped air in capped bottles may cause problems for the machinery.
Actually, both reasons for removing caps when recycling bottles are valid – sometimes. It seems that now, some recycling companies prefer that we leave the caps on! It’s all too confusing!
I have a pet ball. His name is Wirson.
@Yu No Hoo 443:
And I would like a license for me halibut.
Onry the Lonry
In the immortal words of the Guess Who, “If you ever been to Paris and you’ve ever missed a plane…”
Pet Cemetery = Graveyard for empty cans
– Mommy, I can’t empty can into a pet bottle!
WALNING: Empty can’t onry!
@Pete | 5:37 am : Make you feel honry?
@DnT 0627. Confusing indeed.
The average PET bottle is more complex than most people think. It is at least four layers of different plastic.
1st. Layer. (inner) Proof against any corrosive effects of the liquid within, and to keep it uncontaminated.
2nd. layer. To provide mechanical strength.
3rd. layer. Filler layer, to help with the strength, and bulk up the thickness to prevent cracking.
4th. layer. To provide resistance to abrasion, during transport storage and handling .
The lid is mad out of much harder plastic for strength, so it wont break or pop off..
@Geo 0847. So have I. Its name is Left.
@DnT 0627. There is an 100C degree diff between the melting point of the bottles, and the caps. That was why some places recycled caps, and others bottles.
Onry The Ronery. (Loy Olbison)
“I’m So Ronery!” From the movie Team America.
Onry found in Japan . . . the home of Engrish