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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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And away from there is the making out area
We’re making baby cigarettes
Roll your own
If you make hard enough, your pen will catch on fire.
The marking area is in the dog park
I need to take a make break.
Making lung cancer area
I’m trying to quit, so I got the making patch.
You can get a piece of ash here.
I have gas; where is the breaking area?
If you’re making whoopee, please clean it up before you leave.
Wow, they can’t even spell “designated smorking area” correctly.
The translation seems to have gone ashtray.
I assume they are making “Outs”.
There seems to be plenty of lead left in that pencil.
I don’t give a damn about people smoking.
What annoys me, is that the lazy bastards can never find a bin, to put their rubbish in.
In the Townhouse complex I live in, every Monday morning, the BBQ area was carpeted with cigarette butts.
When I was younger I used to punch smokers in the mouth for their ignorance. Alas, I have grown too old, to enjoy that pleasure any more.
“Hows our production going?”
“It’s all gone up in smoke.”
“Keep up the good work.”
Looks to me this sign was post on a giant tomb stone
@Algernon 0406 Panatellas maybe?
@BFC 0622. The problem is not the smoke or the cough’en.
But the coffin they carry you off in.
Please keep your butts out of sight..
I suppose a lit cigarette is one way to get people to give you space.
I think my 3D printer is malfunctioning: it’s got smoke pouring out of it.
Malaysians don’t ‘smorke’ anymore.
They make.
makefiles and makefires
Throw your butt into the ring.
Wait!? It’s not smorking anymore? Talk about ranguage in frux.
Sorry, “Making in the Boys’ Room” just sounds wrong.
“Mummy, mummy I want to make lung cancer!”
“When you’re older dear, this is the adults ‘Making Area'”