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Laughing got gassed out and had to take a nap.
That panda gets no … satisfaction
I would not pander to any bear.
I almost read that as “Laughing got fired” Only curmudgeons do that.
Mary had a little lamb,
She also had a bear,
Everyone hugged Mary’s lamb,
But only one man hugged her bear.
The joke stopped being funny but the panda went along for deride.
Lady Astor: “You sir, are a scurrilous curmudgeon.”
Winston Churchill: “Au contraire madam. I am a highly scurriled curmudgeon.
Laughing is no longer satisfactory after your ass falls of.
Edit: off.
Goldilocks Revisited.
Goldilocks got into Baby Bear’s bed, but he was too small.
So Goldilocks got into Daddy Bear’s bed, but he was far too big.
Then Goldilocks got into Mam Bear’s bed, and she was just right.
So Mama Bear left Daddy bear, and she and Goldilocks lived happily ever after.
So why the frown
I guess somebody farted
This would be funny to wear when sitting in a front row seat at a stand-up comedian act.
It was panda-monium in there!
I agree, Panda Express sucks.
Yeah, when laughing gas wears off, life sucks.
Poor guy can bearly keep his eyes open.
How much can a panda bear?
Here, have a Snicker…
So it´s a Depresso-bear,
Laugh done got up and left.
The panda ate, didn’t like the food, so he shot up the place and left.
Being nearly extinct is no laughing matter.
@Long Tom: Panda, eats shoots and leaves?
@DNT: Nailed it!
It’s not satisfactory being green.
@Lora 115
I never knew Panda’s laid eggs.
Also, I never knew thy smelt badly.
Being so happy and laughing got so boring. I just long to be sad or mad sometimes.
I’m a sad sexual harassment panda.
Jack Black influenced by Bryan Cranston turns to drama
for Kung Fu Panda 3.