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Go way.
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This is not the emergency exit you are looking for………
Run through this door
It’s Ok Chang. I don’t like whey.
This certainly is not The Way to make a great leap forward.
Follow the arrow doors then follow the yellow brick road
Carrefour or Carref1-06
Why is ISIL like little Miss Muffet.
They both had Kurds in their way.
I think this is a puzzle. You are supposed to go the opposite direction of the arrow (not the way it is pointing)
As Chairman Mao said: The biggest stampede starts with a single panic.
Sayeth the Lord.
That figure in the picture is about to run head first into the side of the door.
@Huu Yuu 0408. You just beat me to the idea, for I am such a slow typist.
Pinga bilong mi, em i plai long keyboard antap olosem simen pato.
Tanim tok: My fingers fly over the keyboard like cement ducks.
“Do not the Way. That is the path to the Exit. Exit leads to Stairs. Stairs leads to Door. Door leads to suffering.”
The Way that can be pointed to with a Giant Freaking Arrow is not the eternal Way.
BTW., for the Tokpisin readers. I attack Tokpisin with the same manic skills with which I use English. My PNG friends tell me that I shouldn’t use Tokpisin like that. To which I reply; “Why not?” 🙄
Exit or exit not. There is no way.
@jjhitt 0419 The way to damnation is wide, well lit, and posted with large
friggin arrows.
The way to redemption is narrow, dark, and unsigned.
I accidentally the way. Your emergency is invalid.
@DNT 0424. Door is not. Is painting of door on 3foot thick concrete wall.
Door is where you will it to be. Barrier exist only in mind.
Star Wars characters, speak crab English.
I used to have emergencies like you, then I took an arrow to the way.
@Marum: On a concrete wall? Maybe it’s the way to Platform 9 3/4, then. Just run at it.
Items exist in this dimension, because the majority will them to.
Therefore: If your will was strong enough, this wall would not exist, because you willed it not to be.
No time for verbs in emergency.
They’re persecuting the Taoists again.
They must have been confused by the Carrefour (= crossroads in French) sign below.
I did it My Way!
Turkey makes a poor combination with Kurds.
So there’s just no whey for them to work.
In emergency go forward and do not run through the door or window.
Otherwise your right leg may get stuck.
Baby, I don’t love your way, any day…
Where were they going without ever knowing the way?
Anyone can see the road that they walk on is paved with gold
It’s always summer they’ll never get cold
the tao of escaping apartment fires
If a giant arrow flies past you, run as fast as you can to try to catch it. But be Carrefour.
Jesus he say, “I am way, truthlife. Man no come Father not me.”
Like, way out man!
Apparently, it was a very cross road.