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Officer, I have seen a group of contract car zealots, do something about it!
Don’t park here! or we will exclaim at you! some more!
That’s no parking area! That’s my wife!
This self-driving car thing is going too far. Now the car will also report itself to the police!
“An illegal parking vehichle.” Has illegal spelling and grammar. I reports it to the grammar police.
The car must be able to contract or it won’t fit in this parking area.
These are very short sentences that the police are handing out for the parking violations.
(Phantom Tollbooth reference)
Rental cars are bound by contracts. Can they park here?
Devotion is a terrible driver, and even worse at parking.
I can’t spell! I didn’t pay devotion in class!
So no church parking then
But officer, this is a contract car, I’m a hit man!
Must be for employees only
Devotion its illegal area for the police
Are we not parking? We are Devotion!
Okay, I’m guessing they meant “Attention!”
“Reports it to the police, my precious!”
Our cars are so devotional to the law, they ticket themselves.
If that sign won’t scare them off, nothing will.
What is an illegal parking vesicle?
And stay away from my bangalow house.
I hate you all.
In the beginning , there was No Parking Area, then God said ” let there be Parking!” and there was Parking.
!!And no! I say no! Exclamation! Marks!!!
Park-in Japan!
Is this just another way of saying ‘Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to the garage makes you a car?’
Devout! Amscray! Vamoose!
“Japan” is a big place. WHERE in Japan is this precious sign, so that I may go show my Devotion to the sods who with their E-J dictionary skills.
We reports it, we does.