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Tobacco The Duck, the cousin of Howard The Duck
Does the duck bloom or does the tobacco bloom?
Or quacks smoke rings
So what did the duck say to the camel
algernon: Did the duck say “Have a bloomin’ good time” ?
I see even Middle Earth is being outsourced to China.
We have nothing else left when even Gandalf’s smoke rings forsake us. :/
I’d like to try smoked duck; which end do I light?
If it tobaccos like a duck and blooms like a duck, it’s a…which?
The guy the eating which disgusting
The shirt the translation the online
Don’t do quack, not even once.
“Pack of smokes please and put it on my bill.”
The translator is a quack.
If he’s seeing blooming ducks then I don’t think that’s tobacco he’s smoking.
Cross-pollination gone horribly wrong.
Nothing says “I love you” more than a bouquet of ducks.
“Ni Hao, C’mon in and try our Bloomin’ Duck!
An exploding duck on yer taste buds, Mate!”
-Peking Outback Duck Steak House
Rosie wanna quacker
If it walks like a duck and blooms like a duck, then it probably is better than smoking.
This shirt caption really is a clusterduck.
“Why a duck?” – Chico Marx.
– Don’t you the smoke?
– Yes! I am!
Welcome to Duckborough Country.
Honestly this is on par with today’s modern poetry. The composer of this shirt is on her way to becoming the next poet laureate.
I take the non-duck section of the restaurant. Feathers are a health hazard.
The tobacco the duck which MKULTRA
I suspect it’s not tobacco.
That’s not blooming, it’s SMORKING!!!
One two three four, one two three four – don’t worry, it says on the packet, it’s the tobacco that counts!
I wanted tobacco the duck but it doesn’t bloom!
Blimey mate, give the bloomin’ duck a cigar already!
It is an ancient Korean delicacy Smoked Duck.