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I’m so excited.
And the locals can look elsewhere
That Maimed Person People is rolling on top of TOILET while the man and women are standing next to it.
Toilet Tours only — We aim to please, so you aim too, please.
We promise that this tour will not be a crappy experience.
Your “call” is important to us.
We value your business.
That isn’t a brass band you hear; someone has really bad gas.
The local council of Dunniedoon, bids you g’day.
Please consider joining our boweling club.
Please explore all areas of our waste disposal!
They are the highlight of the district.
No flash photography please.
toilet tour is part of our ecotour program.
It could be worse. They could say tourists are NOT welcome.
Urine for an interesting visit.
Then the big chief Im Aul Crappe farted first upon the dawn,
Farted truly, farted loudly, farted like thunder in the dawn,
Truly thunderous was the fart, that tore the sky in two asunder,
Caused the people all to wonder, at the stench so upward wafting,
Wondered if the valley Ah So Pongge, would vaporise and vanish wholly,
Thus the legend grew in wonder, of his bum’s almighty thunder,,
Of the forests laid to waste, of the mountains blown asunder.
Known in legend as the bum of doom, known in legend as Bum Bum Barrooomm.
@DnT 0437.
Oh! I thought it was the Tuba.
Himeiji’s number one tourist attraction.
On could say: “We are flush with tourists.”
@ Marum: Yes, I usually take out my longfellow when I visit a toilet. 😛
These toilets are a favourite of the Blue Man Group.
I just don’t like having to go through the souvenir shop on the way out.
Please, come in and have a seat.
That’s the same slogan the Detroit Tourism Board uses.
New York City invites the tourists to try and FIND the toilets.
Our toilets are No.1 when it comes to No. 2.
ご利用ください is just a standard phrase meaning, “Please use this”, in the sense that , “It is OK to use this”. Not “Only tourists can use this”. How could the sign makers get it so wrong? xoxo
You, non-tourists, are not welcome
– Take a seat, Ma’am!
– May I come again, Officer?
Tokyo Disneyland’s not quite what I expected it to be…
We welcome the cleveland browns to our super bowl!
That’s because these particular toilets are intended for visitors, while the natives have toilet facilities more to their liking.
There’s so much to learn …
If this is your first visit to our toilets, the Himeiji Chamber of Commerce wishes you luck’
Welcome to our humble commode….
Do not venture outside of this restricted area, as your visas are only valid in the toilet. Enjoy your stay!
It was this or visit the tractor factory.
Our medical experts can help you to deal with Himeiji’s Revenge.
Our attractions went down the drain this year.
Well, this is the whole reason I travel.