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poppipe: for those fanatic enough to experience snorting chocolate with chocolate straws.
Tastes like chocolate
Do things go better with coke or chocolate its only for the fanatic
Chocolate made by experienced fanatics … in the safety of the funny farm.
I hope nobody spells it wrong, like poopipe.
Wrong kind of chocolate!
They have to use a lot of fans in the candy factory. To cool it down, you see.
I prefer a poopie – experience of crap!
Testes like crazy
Comes in a rezealable package.
The choice of terrorists everywhere.
poppipe chocolate is an active ingredient in making pipe bomb.
Poppipe: chocolate-flavored pipe bomb?
You don’t want to be there when the chocolate hits the fan!
Fanaticism just isn’t what it used to be.
Plastic fanatic
I read that as “Pooppipe Chocolate”…
I couldn’t get the dang thing to light.
Wasn’t it Winston Churchill who said, “A fanatic is someone who can’t change his tastes and won’t change the flavour”? No? Maybe it was Popeye…
Choco is late but fanatic is experienced
And try our dark chocolate pipes,
experience of lunatic.
Fanatic chocolate, promoted by IS.
I remember the Cadbury Flake ad on TV.
Do you find you chocolate bar is a phallic symbol.
Goes well, with a popsie cooler.
I installed a fan in my attic – what an experience!
A companion to the Bomb Pop!
For those who don’t have enough spirit of their own
…..New Engrish, prease….
…Tank yu
Jihadist John’s favorite snack.
Pop pop pop and the gangstas drop
Allahu snack bar!!!