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powerful power is powerful
celerity … at least it is not a celery conqueror
or a hilarity conqueror
I like his leafy head
Turn the power one celerity
Power corrupts. Powerful power corrupts… er…ful? 😕
Also in colourful colour.
Take 2: Power corrupts. Powerful power corrupts powerfully.
Powelful Powel for your favorite Lobot Lobotomy!
Celear killer
Now with new hyperbolic mode.
Defence dint? I di’n’t know that!
@Huu Yuu: Switch it on; celerity ensues.
mighty morphin powerful power rangers.
Faster than a speeding bullet.
Now you see it.
Now you don’t.
I see. “celerity conquerer”
It is in a state of total inertia
True. I’ve been watching it for over an hour, and it hasn’t moved an inch.
BTW. We also have a “State of total inertia”. Under the new government, it is called Queensland
It automatically becomes powerful when power
Celery that tough should just be thrown out.
How is it powered?
I like my celrity with peanut butter.
NOTE: Batterflies not incruded
It is actually a sex toy. Initially you do all the work. Then when its flywheel achieves full speed there is no stopping it for 10 minutes.
Celery conqueror. That means it conquers with the use of celery. Also it has powerful power. Which character has powerful power and wields a celery?
Hatsune Miku.
Defence dint keep it from jumping over – with celerity.
It comes equipped with emergency battery ejector, for when it becomes drunk with power.
Super Robert is the new CelebrityConqueror. He is rich and powerful and conquer famous celebrities.
For the record, “celerity” means “speed”:
I first heard the word used in the Gilbert And Sullivan operetta “H. M. S. Pinafore”., where the ship captain is ordered to his cabin by Sir Joseph.
The robot appears to be wrapped in a celerityphane bag. Let’s see if it can fight its way out of that!
Celeron power conqueror
How fascinatingly fascinating
That escalated with celerity.
Only on an “Engrish” toy label would one ever EVER find the word “celerity”. Probably 95% of native English speakers don’t know what it means.
@Long Tom
I found it as a constant in a wave simulation, glslsandbox #22982
Never ever thought it would turn up here!
Probably the same 95% don’t make the connection with ‘accelerate’, so we got a *slower* line of CPUs called Celeron. And just the same, we call one ‘a celery’ for fun. -sigh-
@JimS Yes indeed. The old medieval game of jamming a red hot stick of celery up someone’s date is hardly heard of nowdays.
BTW. I would have thought my previous posts would have explained the meaning quite well
It is with alacrity, that I acceded to his request for celerity.
Redundant power is redundant.
Super Solenoid Engine, not included
Sorry. I don’t like robots with too much power.
Made of metallic metal, I suppose.
I have a more powerful Powerful Power Super Robot to conquer all celerities.