Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Fresh strangled
Squeezing’s too good fer them oranges…
Photo courtesy of Ahmed Latif.
Menu from restaurant in Suzhou, China.
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Cruel fruit juice leaves a nasty after taste.
The green tea red tea doesn’t know if its blue
Cruel fruit juice — made from the meanest trees around.
Is Green Tea, Red Tea played the same as Red Light, Green Light?
“Why is it all blurry just in that part right up there..??”
“Ohhh, now that must be spirt photography…..”
dew dew — made from squeezed Mountain Mountain
Cruel fruit juice – Do the Jew
O rang juice — the specialty drink that Lurch makes.
Dr Seuss loves this place
What other kind of orange is there other than orange fruit?
Orang juice? As if those apes aren’t in enough trouble from the palm oil plantations!
Looks like dew dew, tastes like doo doo.
The cruel fruit juice is pit(i)less
Cruel fruit juice will spirt in your eye and it will cost you another 4 yuan.
In China, fruit juice squeezes YOU!
– Did you enjoy your cruel fruit juice, Sir? … Hello, Sir … ? Madam … ?
– Mmmmm … Nothing beats cruel fruit juice with chicken rude and unreasonable!
That cruel juice hurt so much I dew dewed.
Shhh… The Spirts are about to speak.
Maybe the cruel fruit juice is an orange whip.
The cruel fruit juice is a signature drink at the S&M cafe.
“My drink tastes like #*&@!”
“But sir, that’s what you ordered.”
In order to drink the spirt, we have to hold a siyance.
Made from prickly pears.
Orange you glad I stopped squeezing?
That cruel juice has a real kick to it.
Menu created by Dr. Seuss.
Spirit of cruel small orangutan juice?
Hmmmm…I’ll have a spirt of dew dew, please.
Dew dew? This is dewception, we must go deeper!
Alternatively: let us be glad dew dew is not spelt doodoo.
I’ll take a Spirt of Dew Dew to go, please…
One Tea, Green Tea
Red tea? Brown Tea!
^^ If you mix red and green together it makes brown, that’s why I didn’t say “blue tea”
APRICOT is the cruelest fruit, breeding
Juices out of the dread plum, mixing
Peaches and Prunes, stirring
Dull pits with spring rain.
Of all the teas, I like tit tea best
We are very cruel to our oranges. We collect the juice by making them watch “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe” until they explode.
Mopping up the juice is a problem then. We use a dirty nappy, and put in in a colander and beat it with an Echidna until the juice flow into a the float bowl of a Stromberg carbie.
How much crueller could we be?
Cruel fruit juice – the next step if homos with meat didn’t float your boat.
Cruel enough to rip that ‘e’ from the Orang . . . so Waiter, a larg glass of appl juic pleas.
Mountain Dew, as referred to in the country-western song, does not refer to the PepsiCo carbonated drink. It refers to moonshine liquor.
“Orang” literally means person/people or man/men, in Malayan. “Orangutan” means “person of the forest”. Anthony Burgess was first going to title his famous novel “A Clockwork Orang”, but then changed it to “A Clockwork Orange”.He lived in Malaya for a while and picked up the language.(and probably realized that most Brits wouldn’t know what “orang” meant.)
If I had a million dollars, I’d buy you some juice…but not some real fruit juice; that’s cruel.
Carlos, bring zee cruel fruit juice. Leave the shoes for next time.
Red tea and Green Tea items together make brown, just what’s needed to make the dew dew.