@FB It is a little known fact, that Lee Kwan You was born in Denver. His parents were there on a work assignment, when out he popped. During his early years, he used to clean up after Denver’s concerts. Thus he grew up with a love of western music, which, in his later years, he used to sing at karaoke nights at his local pub in Singapore. His favourite song was; Thank God I’m an Asian Boy. (When the sun comes up I’ve got Popiah on the griddle) So. Despite his political posturing to the contrary, he has a deep… Read more »
9 years ago
@Filboid. One always has to send the ladies home before the sun comes up. Otherwise, you well may find that they have made you breakfast, and want to stay.
Seventy2rd o clock
9 years ago
Go home, I don’t know where you’ve been
– John Denver, Taiwan
Big Fat Cat
9 years ago
FYI, John Denver is the president of Taiwan Chinese Music Association.
9 years ago
“Poems, Prayers, and Promises, Promises” by John Denver and Dionne Warwick (IIRC both heavily into New Age stuff)
Droll not Troll
9 years ago
I need to go. Where’s the john?
Droll not Troll
9 years ago
@J-Luke: Too soon? or too late?
Nonsuch Ned
9 years ago
Just FYI, JD is not all that unpopular in the East… Particularly “Country Roads.” For evidence, watch The Studio Ghibli film “Whisper of the Heart” There are at least 4 versions of the song performed in the movie.
9 years ago
You fill up my sense of smell!
Michael Evans
9 years ago
Sunshine on my country load makes my happy!
9 years ago
@Droll: If you can’t find John Denver, you can always use Elton John. Just remember to call him Sir.
9 years ago
@EffEff: Never understood why Elton John isn’t Sir Reginald. Or why McCartney isn’t Sir James. At least Sir Michael Jagger uses his real name. But I’m picayune.
We had this album when I was a kid. My mom thought that in Poems, Prayers & Promises “my old lady” was a little old lady that John Denver took everywhere he went, and that “smoke a pipe or two” referred to tobacco.
Oops! I did you come again
Take Me, Go Home. Sounds like a love song
Ooops! Left out the comma. ‘Take me, go home” …and don’t let the door hit you in your conplete bag of ass!
Poems, Prayers, and Promises that a bootleg
Don’t talk just pee
@Huu Yuu great timing, could’ve sworn it was blank when I logged in…
Not sure where the country road is in the town of John Denver in China.
Just one country road?? I’d have thought they sell them to us.
Let’s Take Me!
Where I born or left
But will I come back
Go home John, you’re drunk.
Are you sure it’s from Taiwan? Would have said Okinawa …
When did John become a priest?
@Huu Yuu “Not sure where the country road is in the town of John Denver in China.”
BrokeBack Mountain, famous for its Szechuan hot sauce
♫ To place where I be long. ♫
Poems, Prayers and Flying Lessons
OK. Just want to know who is buying John Denver ALBUMS in Taiwan???!
That New Age Religion that Johnny Denver was part of, had him booked on the first passenger flight to the moon.
I feel that any religion whose express aim is to hurl Johnny Denver into the cosmos, is intrinsically appealing. 👿
@FB. Thatbloke from Singapore – Leek on You.
Q: What happens get when you play a Country and Western record backwards.
A: Your dog comes back to life, your wife returns, and the Finance Company gives you your f—ing truck back.
Including the smash hit “Rocky mountain get me high.”
The album equivalent of “Steal This Book”?
@FB It is a little known fact, that Lee Kwan You was born in Denver. His parents were there on a work assignment, when out he popped. During his early years, he used to clean up after Denver’s concerts. Thus he grew up with a love of western music, which, in his later years, he used to sing at karaoke nights at his local pub in Singapore. His favourite song was; Thank God I’m an Asian Boy. (When the sun comes up I’ve got Popiah on the griddle) So. Despite his political posturing to the contrary, he has a deep… Read more »
@Filboid. One always has to send the ladies home before the sun comes up. Otherwise, you well may find that they have made you breakfast, and want to stay.
Go home, I don’t know where you’ve been
– John Denver, Taiwan
FYI, John Denver is the president of Taiwan Chinese Music Association.
“Poems, Prayers, and Promises, Promises” by John Denver and Dionne Warwick (IIRC both heavily into New Age stuff)
I need to go. Where’s the john?
@J-Luke: Too soon? or too late?
Just FYI, JD is not all that unpopular in the East… Particularly “Country Roads.” For evidence, watch The Studio Ghibli film “Whisper of the Heart” There are at least 4 versions of the song performed in the movie.
You fill up my sense of smell!
Sunshine on my country load makes my happy!
@Droll: If you can’t find John Denver, you can always use Elton John. Just remember to call him Sir.
@EffEff: Never understood why Elton John isn’t Sir Reginald. Or why McCartney isn’t Sir James. At least Sir Michael Jagger uses his real name. But I’m picayune.
We had this album when I was a kid. My mom thought that in Poems, Prayers & Promises “my old lady” was a little old lady that John Denver took everywhere he went, and that “smoke a pipe or two” referred to tobacco.