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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Just throw that trash in the basement.
posted on 8 Oct 2015 in Instructions
Now you’ve made the toilet worried…
Photo courtesy of Linus Knutsson.
Restroom found in restaurant in Japan.
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I’d scatter them elsewhere
But is it really the papers fault
A toilet in my stool? That would be clogged up and troubled very much.
I have a dirty cellar, does that count?
The next evolution in smart Japanese toilets: the sentient toilet.
No need to be precise. Tossing your trash in the general direction of the trashcan is good enough.
Double, double, toilet trouble.
I will lay me down,
Like a bridge over troubled waters.
Also thanking you in behind.
That’s OK, I get troubled when I get clogged up, too.
“Please throw away the other things toward a trash box or dirt cellar….”
Uhhh…what…other things, exactly?
This toilet needs more fibre.
@droll not troll: “double, double, toilet trouble”
OK, enough of those references to the play that shall not be named! Y’all don’t make me come up there and tell you good luck & whistle on your stage.
That’s a Japanese Zen Toilet.
When the toilet is happy, everybody is happy.
When the toilet is unhappy, nobody is happy.
Don’t anthropomorphize your toilet. They don’t like it.
Don’t need no toilet stool. I just sits on the porcelain seat provided.
Japanese Toilets are weird.
Instead of having a little bit of water in the bottom like ours, they are almost full to the top.
“And unto this, Conan, destined to sit the troubled toilet of Aquilonia upon a jeweled fanny.”
In days of old when Knights were bold,
And lavatories weren’t invented,
The dropped their loads In the middle of the roads,
And went away contented.
When the blind mullet swim in the palace moat,
It is then that the Emperor summons the plumber.
Let’s free throw practice! I am japanese shaquille o neal!
No no! Tojo! You’re not supposed to pull THAT to flush the toilet.
@sirpaulfan: OK, just as long as I’m not bard from the site. 😛
I’m pretty troubled by my clogged stool. Thanks for the empathy.
I fully understand you, toilet, you have a shi**y job.
Some potty needs a HUG!!!!!
Exactly what kind of stool is it?