Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Is my costume polite?
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Heri age – I had that once.
This is actually from outside the door of my mother-in-law’s house.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! I’ll be here all week! Please tip your waitress!
Dynamite? No, that’s just some C4 in my pocket. And I am happy to see you.
I have to ask- how does one poison a relic?
Well I bet ISIS will take no notice of the dynamite
I have a ticket for convenience.
I am a relic hunter, the rules don’t apply to me.
Luckily I never hunt birds or animals; only snacks and beer.
These instructions make me believe the relics are constructed from firelighter tablets, surrounded by pools of gasoline.
So they’ll let you in with dynamite OR a weapon OR poison, but not sunglasses.
Just bring in the Semtex and everything will be all right.
The sun-glasses and veil do not exist, they are a myth.
If you can pluck trees you don’t need no stinking dynamite.
What happened if you buy a ticket and hold it in your nostril or under armpit, ignore and disobey all rules, make an unclear explosion, scream while wearing silly costumes in solemn places, make porn videos and photos, smoke and pluck pine-tree forests, lie, sit and draw on relics and artifacts while staying in the vehicles all time, wearing sunglasses?
After a recent spate of Supervillains terrorizing the place,
we have put up new rules to discourage them from entering.
We welcome Superheroes with their polite costumes.
We have mixed feelings about Superman though,
undies on outside not polite – but he always takes glasses veil off
before he come in…
Napoleon, you have to wait outside.
“What is the Law?”
“Not to smoke in palaces!”
“Are we not men?”
After taking care of all those regulations, who has the energy to see relics?
Damn, looks like i will have to leave the C4 in the hotel room whilst visiting the old folks
AWW! Can’t one even sit on the phallic symbols?
I tried plucking a tree once.
Them splinters really smart.
…so I’m standing there in costume with poison and dynamite, plucking trees, and this guy lifts my veil! Racist!
If they don’t let in the lady with the dynamite she will tear-er-wrists.
I’m Harry. T. Age., and I approve of this sign.
I bought the ticket, then held “it” in my hand.
I got arrested.
I respectfully request a refund.
So… Smoking is prohibited in the inflammable places but I can smoke all I want in the FLAMMABLE places. Got it.
My dad was in Hue, during the war. It’s the old Imperial capitol of Vietnam, and had, I believe, many relics of that era. I believe a lot of them were destroyed during the Tet offensive.
Sad…but good to see Vietnam back on its (independent) feet.
(sorry for the downer attitude)
The pellet with the poison’s in the chalice from the palace….
So… No nuns allowed.
The Caitlin Jenner costume does offend some transsexuals.
Do not sit or draw on the Hand of Vecna in the display case next to the Mighty Servant of Luke-O..
Damn, I’m wearing the impolite costume today! Back to the hotel with me. Sigh.
Dura lex sed lex.
Here, you take the poison.
You take the weapon.
I got the dynamite.
Cool. We’re set.
How much time off of pergutory do I get for following the rules when visiting the relics? Don’t I have to take them home with me for it to work?