Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
We Always Happy When You Is
Be all that you can be.
Whatever you do, do it all the way.
Photo courtesy of Claire Northall.
Hoodie found in Seoul, Korea.
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Yes its a real dog
Well, life is not a beach …
And your dreams will fry away
My dog really flies
Bat wings maybe?
A bitch on a Red Bull high- that’s all we need!
And then go jump off a cliff so I can have a moments peace, be-otch.
In order to turn dream into a nightmare.
Right now you’re just annoying, but someday, if you work really hard…
Just what I need. My dog asked me to get him one for the weekend.
@Frank Burns. Bat No. Flying Fux
How I do love my native language. :heart:
For example:
Fledermaus – DE — What can one do with that?
Panique – ESP — ¡Madre de Dios!
Bilak bokis – Tokpisin PNG — Has loads of possibilities.
Pteropus Vampyrus – Lat — Dominie meo salva!
Any others?
Te fellatio non possum, caput capitis est absentis. (??)
Any latin scholars here?
Idulgeo meus plebian Latin. :blush:
@Marum: what is bitch in latin?
dunno whether this is aiming higher, or lower
That would sell like hotcakes in LA… /facepalm
ferreo canus exprimamus
I dream one day to be the mother of all bitches!
@BFC. There is no equivalent of “bitch”
However, I would use – bad lady = malus domina (or something to that effect)
Hope that is some help.
Although, as insults go – this one is pretty good: Is est typus of mulier quisnam could tantum exsisto contentus per a bovis barrus
(She is the type of woman who could only be satisfied by a bull elephant) :biggrin:
Perfect match for Sarah Palin or Anita Bryant
What do you call a Dog with Wings? (there’s actually a groan-worthy 70’s answer to this question.)
I do believe this is not Engrish as some people actually call themselves that in a positive sense, quite self demeaning if you ask me, and its not other countries either, Americans even call themselves this… Mostly a Neo Femminist thing… And lets please not start an arguement about this… But yes people calling themselves a B is in fact a thing, and I think this shirt may be targeted at those individuals.