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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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“Shanghai to hearten” is the chinese rip-off of the song “Stairway to Heaven”
Milk from scaly cows
Double peel milk. When it’s been expired for a few months it gets that way.
I wonder what le tastes like. I bet it tastes just like “This product”
My first day in Rehab…
So basically, the menu card is edible?
To make the Alcohol Black deep, it comes from a well that goes down a long ways.
What is this?
This product.
That’s what I’m asking. What is this product?
Start with the Alcohol Deep Black.
Then have another.
The rest of the menu will then make sense.
Don’t bother to ask why, just help me peel this cow.
…then there’s this product…
I never peel my milk, I just wash it and eat the whole thing.
Maybe the Double peel milk is a byproduct of This product.
Apparently people pointed at the previous menu while saying “I want this product” a little too often…
There used to be two soft drinks in Singapore called Whatever and Anything. This product is probably the Chinese ripoff.
The Black Deep is made in the Abyss
What’s black, deep and tastes like alcohol?
This product.
NOTE: To hearten this product, you have to go to Shanghai and peel milk twice to get that deep black alcohol lemonade water / le
Never drink a drunk menu!
Let’s this with music
This guy… this guy…
I like my women the way I like my alcohol….
When you put Double Peel Milk on another Double Peel Milk, you get Quadruple bypass.
Waiter, that product please!
@Classic Steve.
Black and fiery?
A white horse walks in to a bar and orders a whisky. (scotch)
Drinks it and orders another.
The barman asks it if it always drinks whisky. The horse replies. “Yes.”
The barman then says. “I bet they name the whisky after you.” (White Horse Scotch Whisky {blended})
The horse replies. “I’ve never heard of a whisky called Eric.”
The Alcohol Black Deep sounds like the prelude to a lengthy stay in rehab.
This type of milk has noapeel to me.
I love fresh lemonade, but I hate peeling the milk.
Caption is made this product!
Double Peel Milk – it’s like skim milk but they let it form a skin on top and then remove it. Twice.
@A Non-Y Mouse,same as my first cousin twice removed?
Just as long as the ALCOHOL doesn’t get an icky soup skin.
This product: Please don’t make us describe it. Just enjoy!
FYI “This Product” (烧仙草) is supposed to mean “burning grass jelly” in case anyone’s curious.
oh man this product..
The wild germ hates milk with a double peel.