Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Well it was painted yellow and brown so nobody will notice anyways.
That explains yellow walls
I’ll give it a spraty
in which continent was the [inferior] interior decoration needing to be forgiven?
There must be a leak somewhere
Thank you for your corporation.
I know some designs make people want to puke, but what pattern would make people lose control of the bladder and/or bowels?
Posted by Frank Lloyd Wright at the “Fallingwater”.
– Incontinent or intercontinent flight, Sir?
I can forgive a lot of things, but crappy decorating?
um…you wanted that carpet yellow, right?
Incontinence is what happens when you decorate your interior with prunes.
Sounds like the sh!t really hit the fan this time.
And they stayed up to the wee hours of the morning trying to make it look nice too.
If you think it’s so easy, YOU try working with your legs crossed!
Between 1 and 2, I suppose? 😛
@Frank Burns: Between 1 and 2, I suppose? 😛
(Hope I got it right this time.) 😳
Here’s one of my faves from Joan Rivers
“I brought in some painters and told them that I wanted them to paint my bedroom the same beautiful color as my hair.”
“They painted the walls yellow, and the ceiling black.”
Incontinents wanted for latest interior decorating trend: “Scat”.
I may forgive, but you can bet I’m never forgetting that.
You’re right. I wouldn’t p–s on that design either.
All our workers are incontinent.
We don’t employ any “round eye monkeys.
Pees to forgive my inconvenient incontinence while I redecorate interior
Oh, I forgot I was incontinent but no problem because. now I can contribute with interior decoration myself XD
“There are no toilets for miles. Pee on this wall.”
please hold; our operators are standing by
no seriously; we don’t want them to be hit
It’s just that sometimes I get a little too excited and pee a little.
50 shades of brown.
They’re going for an authentic retro look, right down to the pre-pee-stained seat cushions.
I’d be pissed
Use yellow fire hydrants for decoration?
Don’t worry, we all know that your Engrish is continental.
Decorating the interior of your underwear (?)