“Pregnant parks”, gives a whole new meaning to communing with nature.
9 years ago
Peter Piper picked a pretty pleasant park to party and play around in! But it’s a pity it wasn’t perfect. Presently Peter is lying prone in a post-op because a porcupine poked his posterior and popped through the skin painfully. The physician, Paul Pinecone, PHD, was pretty helpful, though. After prepping for the prickly procedure, he told P.P. that his prognosis was good, as long as he signs up for Post-op physical therapy, and promises to parlay his passion for hiking in the piney woods into something safer…possibly Parcheesi.
Seventy2rd o clock
9 years ago
I hope it will give birth to many small and funny Engrish signs
Invalidity Pregnant — I don’t even want to think about what that means.
Pregnant parks. Non-pregnant takes the initiative for bringing invalidity.
A pregnant park has to have all sorts of foods for the different cravings that can occur.
Oh pregnant parks. Is that where new parks come from?
When a daddy park and a mommy park love each other very much…..
Pregnant Park is a section of South Park
NOTE: Park your IP (Invalidity Pregnant) a dress here
I gave at the orifice.
I’m just here to poke around
and I thought only the Parks in South Korea would get pregnant.
Do the know they’re pregnant
Park Ho strikes again
That sign made me have an invalidity pregnant pause
Beating the bushes in Pregnant Parks is strictly forbidden.
And I always wondered why this park is so swollen
If the parks are getting pregnant, I blame all the tree roots.
I don’t mind the pregnant park, as long as it doesn’t turn into a litter park.
Well, at least we know the soil in the parks is fertile.
Guess I won’t be getting a Fathers day card then.
These parks are pregnant. Your argument is invalid.
Invalid pregnancies? Let’s just not go there…
Gives new meaning to “park and ride.”
Bering validated in the park may cause pregnancy?
As the old saying goes.
A bash in the bush, is worth two in the hand.
“Pregnant parks”, gives a whole new meaning to communing with nature.
Peter Piper picked a pretty pleasant park to party and play around in! But it’s a pity it wasn’t perfect. Presently Peter is lying prone in a post-op because a porcupine poked his posterior and popped through the skin painfully. The physician, Paul Pinecone, PHD, was pretty helpful, though. After prepping for the prickly procedure, he told P.P. that his prognosis was good, as long as he signs up for Post-op physical therapy, and promises to parlay his passion for hiking in the piney woods into something safer…possibly Parcheesi.
I hope it will give birth to many small and funny Engrish signs
@stargazer: preposterous.
I only bring validity to infertile parks, sorry.
@ sirpaulfan: Oh, phooey!
Parking for invalid cyclists.
“I am invalid, your argument is pregnant!”
please do not use alley , use doctor instead