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I’m por-choice.
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Very speed, much styrish!
I have a Mercedes Benzene T-shirt that was made in Manygerm.
Excuse me while I put man purse in Prosche.
he will probably be AUDIted for authenticity.
My favorite sprots car.
He probably wears a Rlolex.
He also has shirts from Ramborghini and Fellali.
Not a 365 or 911, it’s a 404.
@Ben: I had a Fellalio. It sucked.
He drives a Prosche Spider.
Traded in the Big Led Cadarrac for a Prosche.
I like fliarri
Bloxer maybe
I am very poch, that’s why I drives a prosche. Check out my Guccio bag as well.
No little demon hand!
You can’t drive my Prosche!
I give him borhug!
On his man-bag there is an Atson Mratin logo.
♫”O’ Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Blendz.
My friends all drive Prosches,
I must make a Mendez.♪
From the same shop who repaired this guy’s:
They are semi-literate.
The signs they put on interstate trucks are all misspelt.
I didn’t know trucks were supposed to make wills.
It’s just a fancy Vorkswagin.
Try something different, like a Lesux or Acrua.
Come on, people – it’s only two mixed letters!
And then, imagine a T-shirt with ‘PORSCHE’ written on it …
‘CONSCHE’ is the key!
What´s that creepy hand coming out of his purse !?
does it do 0-60 in 5.6 cesonds?
I read a science fiction story years ago when two graffiti vandals found a car and knew it belonged to some space aliens because one of them recognized that it said “PROSCHE” upon it. The other vandal was not good at spelling.
@ Long Tom: Aliengrish! We need a new site. 😉
Perfect match for the LAMBROGHINI
My neighbor got her 911 repainted, it came back a Porshec. She had the only one in LA…loved it!
It’s not pronounced ‘Prosh’, it’s ‘Prosche’.
Buying a Porsche T-shirt would have been much more expensive.
And this is why you NEVER hire the person who came in last place at the spelling bee…