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Built in missile holder ……. Is this a gun or a rocket launcher?
Barbie Grill and Paris Hilton would love it
Propaganda from the NRA
I like the ray gun
Cock & Fure .. Oh it is a laluncher; it shoots food.
Mmmm … Buper Orightought!
Buper orightught is much many pleasure, if you know what it is.
Is it a popular gun in your pocket? Because it looks like the pleasures are much many.
This is the most popular gun I’ve ever seen. Collecting all those designs … !
♫ Got you in the sites of my … Love Gun! ♫
I’m not into Fure Missiles. Got one with a built in cock holder?
Oright! I was just looking for a cock & missile laluncher and now I found it! My pleasure is much many!
One of the other collectible designs: unpopular gun. The pains are much many, buper notrightlight, no built-in missile launcher, and only small sound.
I like my women like I like my guns. Big, sound, and with built in missile holder.
Looks a bit too small to hold my missiles, and I’d be concerned about the Buper OrightLight…
In order to purchase, you must prove you are either on the football team, or a cheerleader.
One of Mr. Q’s secret weapons that never made it to James Bond’s list of gadgets.
La Luncher? Is this the prototype of the Dinner Blaster?
Hmmm … Buper.
Is it, like, slightly upper?
@ DrLex: I have a feeling that complicated words became really fancy lately, but notrightlight. More like, wirdeijtdheijmleijt!
Your what fires a missile?
I better get the little blue pill.
Q: What goes clip-clop clip-clop clip-clop bang bang bang?
A: Amish driveby shooting.
Is a bird!
Is a prane!
No! Is Buperman!!
With his cock and missile laluncher!!
How much and many popular!
Not only but also it have music & 32 lighting! At last a perfect match for my pachinko machine! Gimme two!!
Missiles sold separately. See the lalunch lady.
Guns don’t kill people.
Popular Gun kills people.
This is the “in” thing now. U.S. ordnance – so yesterday!
This is the “in” thing now. U.S. ordnance – so yesterday!
I heard Q branch just made one this for James Bond.
@Seventy2rd o clock 4:03 am: Consider this gun rape prevention for Barbie Grill and Paris Hilton.
Did a church newsletter mention this website or something?
Oh, no, the pleasure is MINE much many.
COCK and fure launcher! Finally! My dream came true!
So I guess this is what V-Fires use.
Extreme caution must be used in the cock launcher mode.