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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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What’s your angle?
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Barbie Cue Angle?
This is not a right angel, I suppose
But full of curves
Miex metaphor perhaps
So what’s your point?
Angle top of bargain!
I prefer the Butterfly Devli.
I don’t get it. I must be obtuse.
She has an anatomically correct hypotenuse.
The cosine of the butterfly angle is defined as the width of the wings divided by the length of the antennae.
Laughing My Angle Off
That’s acute doll.
Ken’s got her at 45 degrees.
EVERYONE puts baby in the corner.
Not as dumb as you’d think; she has several degrees.
Part of the Geometry Insects range of toys.
She’s no angel.
Geometry gives you wiiings!
Force + Weight + Speed + Angles + Toy = Fun-grish and excite!
Her star-shaped wand will banish the demnos.
The price tag placement made it look like a new disease: butterflu.
Push the button and hear all of her sayings, including:
“And If I tilt the mirror at THIS angle….I STILL look beautiful”
” *giggles* ”
“Do my BUTTerfly wings look big in this?”
“Can you buy me more of my favorite hair dye? You know, the brand
with lots of fairy dust in it”
Use it to catch some mermaids when fishing.
Reminds me of a song called ‘Between Angles and Insects’
by Paap Roahc
And another song ‘Bullte With Butterfly Wings’
by Teh Smashign Pumpkisn
From ‘Butterfly Defect’
Butterfly or fairy godMOTHer?
It is the angle of the dangle, that is most important.
As angle fairies go, she’s acute one. Get it? Acute angle? Oh well…
@iLock The 4 angels of flight:
The other three are redundant. The yanks have proved, that provided you have enough thrust, even a house brick will fly
Hey sir, she’s not right! We need to put her on 90 degrees!
More like butterface angle.
Ha shouldn’t the Engrish be Butterfry Anger?
…you know, when you burn yourself using the ‘thing of the kirchen’…
@J-Luke: I hope there’s no disease like butterflu. It would spread easily. 😛
Ha! This is clearly a Saxon.
Fishing equipment and boat sold separately.
A flaxen Saxon?
The angel sprained his . . .um, her ankle badly, so we now see an angle.
What a strange homage to Barbie. Must be the Butterfly Angle effect.
Ah, right, this is that doll for girls who want to go for the gold WITH A BROKEN FREAKIN’ NECK!