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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Stay Winless
posted on 22 Mar 2015 in Signs
Photo courtesy of Sandy Alexander.
Poster found in Kobe, Japan.
“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” is a famous line from a Steve Jobs speech.
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The Fighters team know how to fuddle on the battlefield while huddled.
And play footbarr
I thought the Fool Fighters were a rock band.
Ap ple be a twit
Or they can pray to the footbarr gods that they win.
So they’re cannibals
The only thing more dangerous than a fool is a hungry fool.
From the referenced website:
“We won the society, which is the final goal we are working every day to achieve the Japan.”
Actually, football players do get brain damage over the long term from all the hits in the head that they receive as they play…even with helmets.
So instead of hangry, they’re fungry?
If they are never given food, I can see why they have those grilles in front of their mouths. They would otherwise devour each other on the playing field.
Stay in Hungary, Stay Stupid.
Stay Hungry, Stay Droolish!
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
I pity the fool who has to play against us!
A fool and his hunger are soon parted.
Mark sanchez shouldve eaten a snickers then
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, the pizza’s on me!
Shouldn’t that be Hungly and foorish?
Bring on the Nippon Ham Fighters!
This explains the Seattle Seahawks last play in the Superbowl.
I thought the NFL = No! Food left.
Gross stupidity = 144 football players.
@Long Tom. You should never – no matter how great the urge to do so – hit yourself on the head with a Helmut.
Stay Losers
This guy is a wreckin’ machine! And he’s hungry! Hell, you ain’t been hungry since you won that belt!
And that’s how the Hunger Games is born.