Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
After getting fuddled, tomorrow this evening seemed possible.
posted on 20 Mar 2015 in Signs
His blood-fuddle level was two times the limit.
Photo courtesy of Jeff B.
Found at a hostess club in Kumamoto, Japan.
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I will do it two days ago
Nothing like a good fuddling or perhaps pickling.
You want to fuddle the filth putting?
But lets all drink responsibly.
You and men both?
want to be fuddled with … you and men. A threesome or moresome?
The Pub Club Battlefield and Bar. Where you can fuddle it out with one another while drunk.
Don’t be an old fuddle-duddle.
One poggy night I stepped in a fuddle.
It sounded like a fun evening until you had to throw that battlefield into it.
I usually like to be in a person but sometimes I just can’t be fuddled with it.
The supreme art of war is to fuddle the enemy without a hostess.
If you proceed to a battlefield again tomorrow this evening you’ll probably meet yourself coming back.
That must be the part that was cut from Braveheart’s speech.
Love is a battlefuddled.
Oops – I’ll fuddled again!
You must prepay before you can proceed to the battlefield.
No cover after Taps!
Tomorrow This Evening, hosted by John Oliver.
The katakana appears to read “azz club”
I believe it’s time to leave.
Whoever wrote that sign was completely fuddle-faced.
If you like your men to be short, bald, and have trouble with the letter W, this is the club for you. Come on and get (Elmer) Fuddled!
(Easy for THEM to say!)
When did the Japanese get hold of George W’s official correspondence on the Middle East?
War never changes.
Well… I’m befuddled,
Pierre Trudeau was an old fuddle-duddle.
Club Escher
In Australia it’s called “pissed”.
The violin player was fuddling with himself in the shower.
Welcome to the cwub, wew evewy day is wabbit season.
“Gettin’ Fuddled Wit’ It (Tomorrow This Evening Battlefield Remix)” was a huge hit for Will Smith in Japan.