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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Brings new meaning to a bun in the oven
It really does come out of nowhete
And Bread Pitt just came from Angelina
Our quality is made of high bread!
It’s like the Big Bang with a crust!
I think they are confusing mold with bread.
Are there Magic Elves in the kitchen?
Just don’t ask what goes in.
– Why did the bread cross the road?
– Because it just came out from our Bakery kitchen!
I also spontaneously chuck it up.
WE are high quality.
Dunno about the fued though.
Yeah. I gnow it’s feud.
I cook my fued with feul,
It is my golden reul,
I sit upon the kitchen stule,
And eat my red hot gerul.
Bread in, bread out
Our bread keeps coming out. One day we hope to work out why it’s always gay.
Tim Cook cooks.
The bread isn’t just loafing around in there.
A really boring place to eat middle of the road western food. Even their Engrish is mediocre.
Better “out from our Bakery kitchen” then “from out their rear end”
The bakery has its own kitchen?
Does the waitress come with dessert.
No. But she gets a bit puffed on Satu8rday nights.
Let’s get cracking on the fish, the multitude is getting cranky!
Jesus is our inspiration.
We’ve been trying to stop the endless tide of fresh-baked bread which is mysteriously coming out in massive piles from our bakery kitchen. If it keeps happening at the same rate, in a week we’ll have to shut down our bakery because it’ll be full to bursting with fresh-baked bread. In a month, fresh-baked bread will cover the entire city of Narita. Within a year, there will be fresh-baked bread over all of Japan, and within three years from now, the entire earth will be covered in fresh-baked bread. Please, we ask anybody who knows anything about where all this… Read more »