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For all the little rodents
Big wheels included
The three blind mice would like to know if they teach Braille.
Educate, not exterminate!
You ratted me out! That Ratschool is not cool!
Ratatouille is made at here!
Man, this place is a maze…
It’s a vo-tech school for learning to take over the world.
Hey, who cut the cheese?
If you build a better mousetrap, we’ll build a better mouse.
Sorry, I can’t hand in my homework. The rats ate it.
NOTE: Our headmaster is a foxterrier
They say Julien Blanc works here…
The German Club meets Tuesdays in the Ratskellar.
I hear professor Willard is just wonderful.
And still better than most public schools.
Q. What’s the difference between rats and kids?
A. Although both leave stuff all over the floor, at least a rat will stash it all into a neat pile somewhere out of sight.
Rat’s Do It.
The highly intelligent rats from The Secret of NiMH, where they now? Right here!
They don’t use text books, it’s all done by word-of-mouse.
@Tadchem: Nice one. The Town Hall cellar.
Aber: Der Rat = advice
Die Schüle = school
Die Ratschüle = Coaching school —- Nein?
Entschudigung mir : Ratschool = coaching school.
John Cleese in Faulty Towers episode.
When the Health Inspector visited and they had this rat appearing all over the place.
Basil: “Would you like a rat with your coffee?”
HI. : Did you say a rat?’
B. : “No I said a biscuit, a biscuit.”
With the increase in rats as pets, all the old diseases such as Rat Fever are making a resurgence here in Brissie.
I would have thought that the “pet” rats, which have been (hybridised) to within an inch of their very existence would not have carried such diseases.. Bring on the Black Plague. 😆
@Tadchem. Actually Das Rathouse = City Hall; would apply perfectly here in Brissie.
If anything is a Rathouse our BCC. (Bris City Council) is.
A school to prepare the rats to be fed to the snacks.
Just opposite to the Catschool Education.
What are your rats? Sorry, I mean rates?
@Lora: The Secret of Nickel-Metal-Hydride?
Is not rat! Is pedigree hamster!
@Marum. Und Der Ratskellar ist ein basement beer hall, often found unter Das Rathaus. Warum?
Warum allerdings.
I like your phrase “Under das Rathaus”.
Like The avenue in (Berlin?) They named JohnsonStrasse after President Lyndon Johnson. Well immediately the locals renamed it;
“Unter den Lyndon”
Umm. I searched. I can only find Johnstrasse Ein U Bahn (Bahnhoff) im Wien Im die òssterreich republik.
@EffEff & Lora. “The secret of NiMH”
A salt (assault) with a battery.