Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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That container speaks English!
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Its accent is a bit jarring, though.
It contains rhubarb
♫ Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something
Some of them want to be abused
Some of them want to amuse you
Some of them just want to get out of the jar ♫
Or should it be
Say it three times and it will magically happen.
Unfortunately, the only word it can say in English is “english”.
If the bottle says “scotch scotch scotch ” I’ll take it!
Well, it does speak english, there’s no denying that.
Above “english english english” it says “cream case”, or more precisely, “ku ree mu kee su”. So funny the placeholder for some sort of Engrish was simply passed along from the marketing department.
so so so is is is “English English English” a a a language language language where where where each each each word word word is is is repeated repeated repeated three three three times times times? ? ?
Or in a room that echoes really bad.
Looks more like French French French
Products for every language
Three Englishmen walked into a jar…
It’s all greek greek greek to me.
Don’t believe it. One of the bottles is a ventriloquist.
Penny, knock, knock, knock, Penny, knock, knock, knock, Penny, knock, knock, knock.
I guess that’s Engrish for Yadda Yadda Yadda.
Q. When is a door not a door?
A. When it’s ajar.
At the sight of this, I can barely container myself.
English [Here]
words words words
The cream in the short container can easily be rubbed onto tennis balls, billiard balls, pool balls, etc. to give them that special spin.
Pika Pika-Chuu!!
Nigerian Nigerian Nigerian
english cream only
English, a Freedom type pokemon
With no eyes, ears, mouth, or appendiges, its trainers often rub its insides on their skin. Once all of the smooth subtance inside of it is gone, it evolves into Trash
-English I choose you!
Just add random English