Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
Sophisticate the sophistication
Once these goods change goods, they’re no good…
Photo courtesy of Leo Roubos.
Tag found with pajamas made in China.
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Engrish on card forgive not to make much sense.
Well at least its honerable
Take the card anywhere
It’s all good. Carry on.
In my day honor was much simpler.
I only wanted to empress you. Now shop!
Trust me. As soon as I find an original shopping store, I promise to carry on.
Oh My Good.
You’re no good, no good, no good, baby you’re no good.
if ( GOODS ) {
// Execute these statements if GOODS
else {
// Execute these statements if GOODS
This prestige card needs to be replaced. Preferably with something good.
Goods can change once, but bads change more often
Arrr, here in Harbor Jun, the goods be limited by the same goods number, me mateys.
Look Chang!
I’m the plumber. I’m here to unblock the dunny!
I don’t care if you wish to split the horrible infinitive, or if your propositional phrases to not relate to the subjective of the predicate.
My choice of change?
I don’t know about you mate?
But. I couldn’t sleep, with this tag in MY pyjamas.
C arry On
If I had to go through all this crap to get a refund, I would carry on like all HELL!
Empress in three days? Now that’s what I call a promotion!
I’ve tried changing goods here, but that plant just outright refuses to authenticate! It just sits there, quietly, taunting me!
If you can’t empress the lady in three days.
You’re obviously using the wrong instrument.
I already dress, now nobody can see my goods.
The only change you can get with this card is one cent, proving that change is hard.
Do you understand? Good.
If the goods are lightbulbs, how many customers does it take to change one?
It’s too tiring to read this, I think I’ll be fine without the prestige..
Prestige Card: Don’t leave home without it!
And I’m not going to repeat myself any more. You guys keep coming back after I have clearly explained: Goods of change forgive not to replace!!!!
Try hitting yourselves upside the head until you start to understand.
Did Christian Bale have another freak out?
He might need this to return some lights…
He’s forgiven for trashing them though because of The Prestige.