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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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Well hello boys
But the tread will remain the same
I’m parking there anyway. Flattery will get you nowhere.
Tyre will be flattered! What about Sidon?
Flattery makes me tyred
Be quiet, and listen to the infinite wisdom of the tyre.
The other wise tyres wall almost certainly allows parking
To much flattery may get you treaded.
If you find some Indian bloke talking to your tyres….He’s flattering them.
How can you hear the tyres taking master?
Glasshoppel. The question should be; Why can’t you?
♫Do you hear the tyres screaming,
Do you hear the traffic hum,
It’s the sound of your car corroding,
It’s a sign of things to come♪
EDIT: talking.
♫I talk to the tyres,
That’s why they locked me away♫
I am now the proud owner of an Indian Risk.
WTF do I do with it?
As I walk out in Delhi city,
Walking the streets at twelve at night,
Who should I see but an Indian laddie,
Flattering my tyres in the pale moonlight.
First he washed them,
Then he dried them,
Polished them up as black as coal,
In all my life I never will see,
A sight so strange as the Indian lad-dee.
Such a tight spot, even the letters are spilling over.
Be nice to Indian tyres.
If you don’t;
In their next life they may be termites and chew your house to pieces.
Those white walls! And you have matching valve covers!
@jjhitt. The whitewalls go well with your greensleeves.
Illegal parking, will cause large white rocks, and avalanches of dog turds, to rain upon you.
After one hundred thousand incarnations, the tyres will be elevated, to merge with the consciousness of Krishna.
The original wise tyres respond better to insults
Other foolish tyres will not be flattered. They will fight back tyrelessly.
what about the foolish tyres?
The wheels spoke, but the tyres were wise and kept silent.
Hey tyres! If you’re so wise, why aren’t you Goodrich?
It should be no problem, my tyres are retarded.
As long as you take time to flatter my spinners, I will be happy.
How do you stick the tyres to the wall?
Can you just use Blu-Tack instead of nails?
No, see, it’s the OTHER wise tyres wall you can’t park at. It’s perfectly OK to park at THIS one.
Looks like the wall has been repainted:
The King of Tyre